Mage's Incubus Aside; Chilling Soul
Bred pixies aren't _much_ calmer than their wild counterparts, but they listen to reason at least, i suppose."
The Digimon Wars Rewrite Chapter 1
Michael was speechless, there was a girl in a pixie outfit.... but that wasn't an outfit... the girl seemed so real, it wasn't possible for that to be a costume!
As though the mirror lake that surrounded the great pixie castle was without end.
Clyx - Bios
**pixies (14)** pixies are tiny humanoids with some insect-like features, such as wings. they stand only a few inches high.
Being A Clown
"a charming little story," amator noted as a number of pixies flew at their table, carrying the ordered desserts with them.
Club of Wolves ch. 5
(journal is here) pixies and performances i stood at the top of a flight of stairs. they were familiar stairs by now, because at the bottom of these particular stairs i had my new job.
Ch.I - Troubadours
It seemed impossible that there might be a higher level of troubadour than pixie. a thought occurred to me. "in that case, do richer stores buy troubadours like pixie from you?" he grinned quickly. "troubadours _like_ pixie, certainly.
Mating Like Cats and Dogs- CLEAN
Randal was nearly punished, and severely, but his raccoon friend bugsy went to his defense and convinced pixie and geffa (one of the overlords overlooking the pet neighborhood who influences a lot of pixie's decisions) to lay back the punishments.
Mating Like Cats and Dogs
Randal was nearly punished, and severely, but his raccoon friend bugsy went to his defense and convinced pixie and geffa (one of the overlords overlooking the pet neighborhood who influences a lot of pixie's decisions) to lay back the punishments.
When Cats Eat Dogs and Dogs Eat Cats
pixie turned around, "good morning, randal." "how ye doing, kid?" said bugsy. geffa said nothing. "i was just wondering..."
{Pokémon/Babyfur} From Bully To Baby
I'm not scared of some itty bitty pixie!" umbreon's bedroom door abruptly opens and his mother enters his room. "i don't know why you're talking about pixies and standing around in your pajamas, cause you gotta get to school!"
The Very, VERY Hungry Deer - Friday
The fat, sated deer waddled his way out of the pixie's house, locking the door behind him as he slipped into the hallway.