Alpha Corgi
Though, that day the fraternity oddly gained quite a few new frat brothers...
The Three Jackals
For he knew that in the future this fraternity of stone-cutters and builders would expand their craft all over the world, and at the end of the age, the dream he and hiram shared would become reality.
Friendly Beans
You're the one that's been warned about 'fraternizing,' not me." true enough.
Recruitment Season with Alpha Sigma Sigma (1st Vers)
On one stool, a bear tipped back a sip from his energy drink before setting his right arm back on the old, stained, dented wooden counter that served as the fraternity's un-offical bar.
Hypno Skunked and Bear Bred
I am carrying fraternal triplets. a polar bear boy, and a spectacled bear boy, and a big grizzly bear boy. i know i am keeping them to raise seeing them and hearing their distinct heartbeats.
White Lies Lead to Lying in White
Havoc thought he'd be able to get up and move then, but brad and mark both stayed seated, along with six or so other fraternity members. terry re-directed his attention to those that remained.
Soul Stalkers - 03
The fraternity leader stood up straighter in the face of the defiant response. he began snarling and spiting at her, trying to make them cower before his strength.
Indelible, part seven
While, at first, he thought it must be part of a fraternity tradition and outsiders were forbidden to interact with it, he'd started doubting that assumption. their reverence towards it seemed more casual.
The Fraternity of Phi Alpha Gamma -Chapter Three-
Charles harper the third, the president of the fraternity. he simply personified pride, dominance and perseverance, the credo of phi alpha gamma.
Rush Party
#1 of frat boy fun a golden retriever attends a rush party for a very special fraternity. as a legacy, he should be fine, but it never hurts to have a little insurance. maybe he can convince the head of the fraternity to invite him to join.
The New Alpha
He was in his fourth year of college and had been the leader of the fraternity since his second year.
Djinn Rummy
He was wearing his fraternity's letterman jacket, and was the second in command with their recruitment. omega phi was the best-known fraternity on campus, mostly rich men with special privileges or enough pull to turn their eyes.