One and the Same - Side Story: Life Isn't Fair - Part 2
_this spell is designed to gather the essence, or life energy, of an individual creature or object and reconstruct it using a piece of said target.
DC Profile: Velocity
To date, fyfe is the youngest individual to ever be granted defender status. ability details: benjamin fyfe has the ability to run and sprint faster than any known individual in the world.
A Dream: An Alternate Reality
The only entities that could halt my rampage were, individuals that hold no malice or ignorance, and tried to understand my drive.
Universe of Conflict Chapter Five
The rest of the individuals turned their heads and looked away. "you need to be cleaner dammit! how am i supposed to read these personnel files when there is blood all over them!?"
More specifically, this meant that one individual could take part in a communion ritual, sharing their mind with others, while each also retains control of their own individual mind.
The lottery you do not want to win
To death with the lottery winner. 5 sterilization must be done by a trained and licenced individual.
Millo Asmodeus' Bio.
She loves this yin and yang approach of her being a hardworking individual and ixaka being a lazy individual, but the two managing to motivate each other with who they are despite it.
Ixaka/Dash Asmodeus' Bio.
Appearance: he's quite the chubby individual who's a bit more overweight (with that said, he can walk and run). he has a large ass with a big, puffy anus and huge moobs that almost looks like breasts, according to his wife.
Superhero Setting - History
Occult groups began to form around charismatic individuals that claimed to possess unusual and arcane powers.
Dimension 67 Volume 1 Synopsis WIP
We learn a little more about the main quellers as individuals & their unique styles of work.
In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 4
The individual who relayed this to me, also mentioned these stories warned those individuals risked losing themselves to the wolf forever, but did not seem to know what that meant.
Brief Bio/Origin: Dreamhunter Spirit-Howl
As mentioned dreamhunters are created by nightmares and at times can have be mistaken as part of an individual's nightmare. however, they are quite the opposite.