Brought into the Light:part 12: Sheath and Knife fiction
"and then we have you with your doll house k'bar knife and silly little dart gun?" rich kicked chancy in the head...."shut your mangy snoot?
Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 11
#25 of sheath fictions part 11 of snow daze snow daze (cub/teen, incest, gay sex, strait sex) a will and alex fan fiction by dan 1966 ( c ) will and alex from sheath and knife fur-rotica by haramist and kitaness.
Untouchable: Chapter 43: Twisting of the Knife: Oliver
After he got home Oliver ate more of the soups Paul made for him, getting nice and bloated in the hope that he wouldn't dream. He sat on the couch with a throw pillow in his lap."Hi mom...""Hello, it's been a while...""Hey... Please don't hang...
Satin Circus -- Hey Rube!
"you mean this knife?" the bear stood, the remote in his hands, and pulled the knife out of it. the blade was pure white. "ceramic!" the bear continued.
Life as a Dom in Dimash
The knife came down, the flat nudging against her nipple. she gasped, a soft whine coming from her throat as he twisted it around.
Fractured Memories Part 2
Samur clearly hears me as she brings her other hand up and slaps her shoulder lunching an underhanded throw from her right side slinging the other knife into the dart board just under her first knife the two of their handles crossing in a 't' shape.
Smoke Break
She stood up from the curb, heading inside and leaving the rat alone to ponder the knife. his knife, he supposed. he pulled it out once more, running one of his fingers gently against the blade's edge to test its sharpness.
Kinktober Day 2: Gore/Spanking
At the same time, the knife met his flesh gently at first, and then pressed in deeper, cutting into the flesh of his belly.
A Bad Batch of Lobster
Much to their surprise, however, rose came back to consciousness and picked up her lobster lover in her arms and fended off the chefs with her steak knife, letting the lobster cling to the black fabric of her dress with his misshapen claws.
The snuffer tale V
He looked drowsy as his dad walked away to pick a knife. the younger dragon gathered his remaining strength to say: "go to the hell!"
Avians & Otters
He said, swiftly catching the otter's arm before he could be hit with the knife.
Chapter 22: Competition
"she had a knife!" he whined. rita narrowed her eyes and growled, "what knife?" the rabbit held up the steak knife with a smirk, "not that i needed it to put this one in his place." rita sighed and shook her head.