Les Animaux Confeiture finale
To feel ones world crashing down upon oneself is generally felt metaphorically, in terms of those times in our lives when we feel all hope is lost.
Story time with Kalokin
To play mind games, and i like to see how many subtle hints i can toss about like scattered bread crumbs before someone pieces together a toasted slice of information, spread with a blackberry jam of... you know, i've completely lost track of where this metaphor
Daily Changes 5: Boar
No that wasn't a metaphor, hunting was always more his father's game but he also wasn't the type to jerk off in the forest. a game that, while not particularly interesting to him, he found himself playing at least once a month.
Chapter 9 Draft 2
Ethan had asked out of curiosity.sighing, christine explained "i hate to say this, but i think he might've been saying that metaphorically. anyway, how about i help you out with battling?"ignoring the explanation christine gave, he asked "you serious?
Chapter 6
"is that a horseracing metaphor?" "more of a dog-racing metaphor really, but they're interchangeable for the most part. the point is, you need to rest, donna." "but the duty schedule-" "is not going to be a problem.
As Usual, I Was Silent. --11. Calin--
I couldn't help thinking about how it felt to be a metaphor for my life. the old me was setting. dad and calin were somehow opening me up. but this metaphor then got me thinking. what was my night going to be like?
For Sore Eyes
They weren't seeing a lot of people, metaphorically, and they didn't see anyone, literally. the circumstances of dana's life had made sure of that. the bat had first met them on the internet.
The Outsider | Chapter 3: The Kiss
Hmmmm, a metaphor." i thought for a moment of how i was going to explain it to her. "well it's like a figure of speech."
The Quiet Side of the Beach
His tongue flexed to gulp it down and a twisted, warped mass inside of him unfurled, swallowing up the essence with a metaphorical cry of relief.
Many Paths to Follow
For some, that question is a metaphor. for me, an eevee, it's a fact of biology. right now, i'm full of potential. that's what everyone tells me. that's what i tell myself.
Almost Escaped
Obscene fuck you first sergeant, fuck you squad leader, fuck you and you and you barely controlled lividity and infuriation my mental barriers are weakening, my emotional strength receding, akin to berlin's wall situations, just like the people they metaphorically
The End of Everything
What if that re connection with our more primal sides were to take place within a harmless looking dragoness whose inner demons were more than just a metaphor....could something as simple as listening to music really spell disaster? it couldn't...right?