Meating the Family
#2 of everyday adventures of a work-at-home werewolf when abby's parents come to visit, a feisty father-in-law almost ruins a perfectly good evening. why would you stress out a werewolf? really, why?
A Visit to the Doctor 2 - Another Visit (Illustrated by Menagerie)
* * * a visit to the doctor 2 - another visit - by amethystine a much different sequel to this old old, tiny tiny tale: []( --- a dragon of the anthropomorphic
Visiting My Father
"oh, i'm not--" but dad cut me off before i could explain i was just visiting.
Hal visits the doctor
Hal visits the doctor it was spring, or what passed for it those days.
Leatherhead Visits the Lair
Leatherhead: i advised slash to ask[splinter]( for permission to visit unannounced. (raph freezes stunned.) raph: **sensei knows?!
Emma - A Friendly Visit
"luckily for you, we decided to come pay you a visit to liven up your dreadfully boring evening. i brought something we could share."
Megalopolis - A Father's Visit
"i wish i got to know her more, but maybe as time goes on she will visit more."
Commission: A Dragon's Visits
She could feel the little bumps made the eggs that had been planted inside her body by the strange creature she encountered in her visit to the strange world.
Sibling Visit p2
#2 of sibling visit part two of the "short" story i wrote for my bunny's amusement. of course, pleasing her, just excites me so i just kept writing and writing and writing. and of course, her naughty pics didn't really help.
Sibling Visit p1
#1 of sibling visit well this was a short story that i wrote for my bunny, but of course with her being so insatiable for my writing, she wanted more. so there's more parts to this. hehe.
Visiting a Dragon 6
It reminded him oddly of his first visit... but at least this time he would easily find his way to the bathroom. 'come on... move that arm aside...'
A Much Needed Visit
Lunar stood out on the balcony connecting to the bedroom where both he and Celestia slept. Luna had already started to raise the moon and it was now time for him to awaken the stars. With the magic glowing from his horn, one by one the star burst to...