Scanning the planet from orbit revealed it was indeed a sort of resort, but it also showed that the entire population was canine, and all were kuvaszok, great pyrenees, and maremma sheepdogs, to be precise.
Ageless, Bitches, Canien, Canine, Cob, Cub, Enlightenment, Estrus huney, Female, Heat, Intact, Kuvaszok, LGD, LGDs, Male, Maremma, Maremma Sheepdog, Maya, Mercenaries, Mercenary, Other, Pyr, Pyrs, R&R, Sci-Fi, Temple, ascension, bitch, estrus, great pyrenees, honey, kuvasz, paradise, perfection, polytheism, priestess, pup, pyrenees, relaxation, resort, sanctuary, spirituality