The Trump Haters Poem
Donald Trump Takes a dump He's a grump And a chump Needs a thump and a bump We wont jump for Donald Trump
Don´t make fun of a Dragon
"ha-ha, loser flame, you´re so bad at this" kelly said and makes fun of him.
I'm not gonna make fun of you. you... you seem nice, but you make it seem like you're mean. you're not mean. i can tell." he's right... he's so right...
Leatherhead Visits the Lair
None of us will make fun of you. donnie:[casey]( would. leo: --casey would. ...because he already knows. but_we_ won't make fun of you.
Burdens - Chapter 45: Clear
And i'll be there with you, so if they shouldn't make fun of you or anything." hunter's ears drooped slightly. "are you sure? i mean that they won't make fun of me." the fox nodded. "of course. well, if they do, i'll make fun of them back.
Little Red and The Wolf
Why didn't he make fun of me maybe he had to pee so bad he didn't say a word oh well time for class" and hopped to class.
Part 4a - A Bull in a Milk Shop
"everyone makes fun of my real name, even after leaving dads church." "now why would they make fun of obi-wan kenobi han solo mahonri moriancamer blackriver." he gave a little chuckle. "alright, it is a bit of a mouthful.
RHS profiles
He's the joker in the group always making fun of people and laughing it up. he always has to make fun of derek and henry and they both make fun of him back but derek not so much as henry can.
Prim and Proper, Tim and Harper
"really harper, if you make fun of me. i'll never forgive you." "tim... i will not make fun of you. for the love of arceus tell the story!" harper said as his curiosity was flowing with what would have the pompous fox so shy.
ADOR: Epilogue
People talk about you, they make fun of you. you talk, you make fun of. you never feel like you're good enough. you feel like nobody understands you and you just want all the pain to go away. you feel like there's nothing to live for.
Fur one and fur all! (Part 1)
It also gives a reason for people to make fun of me, but i just do my best to refrain from punching them.
Physical Education...
"i didn't ever have the guts to tell you because i thought you would make fun of me." "stop, stop. make fun of you? trevor, you've been my best friend forever. i wouldn't ever make fun of you, and you know that!" trevor shook his head.