The Secrets We Hide: Chapter 2

Toby opened his eyes and grumbled, turning over as he stared at the ceiling through blurry vision; Morning, he thought, given how brightly the room was illuminated. Sunlight streamed through the uncovered glass door leading to his balcony, he had...

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The Secrets We Hide: Chapter 1

Toby heard the knock on his door, his ear flicking in the direction of the sound as he quickly slid on his skinny, black jeans. He didn't bother with shoes or anything else, he had a feeling that he wasn't going to need those. His tail nabbed a...

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The Secrets We Hide: Chapter 3

Everything seemed to be going so well that night: Kelleur had treated him to a wonderful dinner, and he had taken his drake to the perfect place for homemade gelato, leading up to the two going to see a new movie. The film was alright, but it was much...

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Faith- rough draft(bare with me)

If my writer narune watercrest approves of this story he will assist me with the editing process and hopefully be my partner in advancing this story to the next level. wish us luck. thank you there's a monk in a monastery who studies religious art.

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Velvet Neon #1- The Stud Across the Street

Kaeluslooked over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of the stud across the street, the one who always seemed to stare at him. Not that he minded, and not that he really blamed the buff dragon; Kaelus was the textbook definition of a femboy, and he loved...

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Charlie's Secret- Velvet Neon #2

"Hey Alex, can you get the door?" "Yeah babe, no worries," responded Alex, adjusting his shirt a bit before getting up from his very comfy place on the couch. He'd become quite invested in a show on TV, and tried his best to ignore the knock on...

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From Forgotten Depths: Chapter 1- The Beta Incident

Screams, shouts, and cries of panic filled the air around squad leader Tarven Denarik. Dozens of research personnel pushed hurriedly past him as his squad of six advanced towards the scene of the commotion. Their weapons were lowered, they had not the...

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The Start of Something Beautiful Chapter 4

Well everyone this is my fourth installment into this series, I'm planning on chapter 5 being the last one. There is some oral in this, its leading up to quite a detailed sex scene I'm sure you all will enjoy. Comments are encouraged!...

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The Start of Something Beautiful Chapter 3

Well chapter 3 is finally here! Sorry this took so long but the holiday season had me a little occupied. This one is a decent length, and the next part will reveal what Deren's question is. I'm gonna be getting to the major sex scene probably in...

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The Start of Something Beautiful Chapter 2

Well this is my second entry into the story I've been working on and this part reveals a lot of background info about Takar and an important past relationship he was in before getting involved with Deren. If you have any suggestions for my next chapter...

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The Start of Something Beautiful Chapter One

Takar smiled delightedly as he sat down across from his boyfriend Deren. He felt Deren's tail coil around his leg under the table, causing him to shudder momentarily. Deren gave a playful smirk, knowing the effect he had on the younger dragon. Takar...

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Passionate Escape Chapter 1

Keith grinned as he crossed the bridge that led into Panama City, Florida. He had gotten his first look at the vast ocean in what were most likely years, being that he lived so far away from it. He found his attention was grasped by the wondrous,...

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