Bimbo Binge [Patron Reward]
. \*\* pink everywhere, big pink bubbles inside my head, popping popping popping and each pop takes another little bit of you with it, burns off the masc thoughts, melts away the masc thoughts, why even be a tiny bit masc when you could just
Deer's Antlers
The masc-doe sat back up, playfully resting his upper body on frankie's leg with his arms. "mmmm, that was so good, frankie. i can't wait to feel you do that in my pussy."
History of The Game
Aga eventually gave in and stopped hosting the game events, but attempted to sue masc and masc, but the companies were dissolved and the porcupines were moved to harstlein in western australia where they died in a supposed car crash.
Fall from Grace - Recruitment
Chief shouted with his own growl, kicking in his masc and punching it towards the retreating dark purple and pink patterned mech.
Do As The Mons Do
And this isn't always an a or b type of thing, there's lots of degrees and such, but usually if most other pokémon would class your body as masc, you're considered masc. ditto for fem."
Character list
Kriv drasl masc pale blue dragon. father of valin. travis black panther, well-muscled, and very forward. openly bisexual, and tends to play the field when not in a committed relationship. wrestler and occasional spelunker.
Affirmation Services
Here we see an amab enby getting xer masc attributes diminished and smoothed away by foxy paws. contains: transformation via massage, description of fat being redistributed around the body, gender affirmation tf, apple to pear body shape.
Alone Time
Contains: depiction of anxiety, big beefy deer boyfriend, mention of body odor (pleasant), andromorph body, tactile size-changing, masc unbirthing, abdominal bulge, shrinking fully to micro and therapeutic wombtime.
Daddy's Boys
Multitudinous hunky otters are in jack's predscape ready to welcome timber home, even if timber isn't consciously aware that he's in a predscape~ contains: explicit nudity, post-sex, post-vore, rapid digestion, weight gain and muscle growth from vore, many different masc
First Breeding
Sirius and brian are a masc dualsex/altersex couple. sirius is the chief of a clan of wolves with his fox mate at his side. tris always thought that if he were going to try out having both sets of sexual organs, he would do it with their help.
The pinpricks of hair spread from his thighs up, covering him in a subtle and pervasive layer of masc bull musk.
"Stress Relief"
He wasn't some object to be taken, just like he wasn't some domineering "i only top" masc neanderthal. the big badger chuckled when he felt a wet sensation slip into his hole.