
"Spike?" "Yeah Twi?" the adolescent dragon poked his head into Twilight's office. The lavender alicorn rose from her desk holding a stack of sealed envelopes, addressed to the editors of Equestria's major newspapers. "Send these out to the marked...

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 9)

[i use too many postscripts, don't i?] as the other anthropomorphs slept in their bunks, i wake up to a stark, white light shining in my face. immediately after, i realize my head is throbbing again. "urgh.."

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Epilog und persönlicher Nachtrag

" * * * postscript: i know that you torture yourselves through my works and i am also happy if i am written to or at least get a comment.

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Chapter 14 - Beyond the Distant Shore

The following is a work of fiction, copyright Radical Gopher. It may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the author's express permission. This story contains adult situations and or violence and cannot be read by anyone under the age of 18....

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After Mom's Date

As a final comment, i'd like to apologize for the author's note and postscript, but i wouldn't hit the 5000 character minimum yiffstar imposes without them, and buffing up the story would ruin the 800-word limit that dropples have.)

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The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.

"postscript: uplift subject 1004-cervinoid now displaying encouraging signs of life after a non-responsive period of one minute and..." a quick watch check "22 seconds."

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #5 - Irregular Season Start

-sc" quovaedis quirked his brow at the postscript to the letter -- it was definitely handwritten, but it looked more like a copy and not the actual ink. looking over at the gifts once more, the personal attention was starting to unnerve him.

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Arthur's Mother

. ## postscript marshe dropped her son off at his girlfriend's house. rex moved to the front seat and she turned the car in the direction of his home. "do you want to talk about what happened?" marshe asked after several moments of silence.

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A Harem Of One

"postscript! for the ever so sultry tale of how these three wayward women came to live - and lived to come! - together as a travelling trio of tireless titillators, consult my published works."

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Not a Hero: Episode 1

Your host: maximus.' then under it was a postscript. 'p.s. i instructed him to bring lots of fresh undies. nice collection, btw. ;)' his face burned with a vicious blush, did maximus really have to include that postscript?

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Paying the Rent

._ =========================== postscript. before anyone asks....i did do both jobs in university. unfortunately.

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Spirit Bound: Chi

**part iii** **postscript** i was frequently asked by interested parties to expand on the brief mention of li song's analysis of spirits and their relations to chi. i have little to add, but i will try.

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