An Issue of Discipline
An issue of discipline a jade palace story story and characters (c) kennyw aka kaon 2011 it was a beautiful afternoon in the jade palace recreational zone.
Transformative Discipline
._ _---------------------------------------------------------_ **transformative** **discipline** **by hardcover** scott and his friend jeff were in a whole lot of trouble.
Shredder Discipline.
#3 of shredder shredder discipline. ‘st andrews school for the detention and discipline training of young incorrigible furs!' norman shuffled his feet as he begrudgingly walked to the principal's office.
Matters of Discipline
Matters of discipline the pistol was heavy in the ferret's hand, black and sleek. centuries of design had distilled it into the very essence of lethality.
Disciplining Egos
There were days where Todd wondered if he were being punished by Arcerus for some slight that he couldn't exactly remember. Most pokemorphs might have thought that he were being overly dramatic, given that his current setting was a very plush looking...
The Power of Discipline
The kennel chapter 3 the power of discipline it was the power of discipline. that's what it all came down to.
An Exotic Discipline
As i'm sure you noticed, iros required quite a lot of discipline." " that how you discipline your slaves, then?" dameus asked. "you cut them?" magnus smiled. "cut them? not exactly. i have my own ways.
Roo of discipline
"_He has fucked up stories, Winney_," - Oh, how much he hated that nickname - "_stories that will make you hard in three seconds. Or... make your stomach roil_." The fox's tail had twitched out seizures for less than that in the past - it always...
Extracurricular Discipline
Karex was glad too; despite the punishment, it seemed hysterium could be quite the impassioned lover when he wasn't doling out discipline.
Kiara's diaper discipline
Unknown to both simba and nala this diaper change and to a lesser extend the whole discipline would develop into a fetish years later into adult hood. when the change was over and both cubs re-diapered.
Discipline: The Record Of A Crusade
#1 of discipline: the record of a crusade the car stereo blared mc hammer's 'hammertime' as it drove down interstate 95. the driver was a silver-haired lizard-man named kyle parkley, a transfer student from arcadia high in the lower reaches of michigan.
School Discipline 101
[This is my first story since returning, and while it's short, it's better than nothing at all. This story, as most of mine do, appeal to my liking of spanking, and has no yiff! Sorry for those anticipating me writing another yiff-related story, but I...