The Chaste and the Bandit

It was a good day, Isaias had decided to himself. The green scaled dragon may as well have been on a merry stroll through the parks with how well off he felt. His journey had been a complete success, in ways that even he hadn't predicted would come to...

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The Bar Maiden

The small village was hardly even worth noting with a point on the map. Located at the bottom of a valley between a pair of opposing mountain ranges, the only reason it was marked at all was due to the fact it happened to be located along the only...

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Many months had passed since the blizzard that had led to that fateful night. Everything was up in limbo now, and for the millionth time, Isiat sat in his bunker, wishing for all sake that she would have just run away with him. The dugout he had...

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In a place, far, far from here...

Frustration. Anger. Blind and all encompassing fury. That was what had driven him out here at this time. The borders were secure. He knew they were secure. With his technology all but forming an invisible network of tripwires and sensors along the...

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The Elven Lady

The long road, it turned out, had an end after all. Two weeks of travel through everything from scorching plains of sand to icy capped hilltops had paid off. ahead, the deep woods awaited, trees as tall as the mightiest citadels, and as old as the land...

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On flightless wings...

The back of the flatbed juddered as it rocked across the back roads towards the border, the heavy twelve cylinder engine rumbling loudly in the cool night air, echoing around the hills and making their exact position hard to tell to any who might have...

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The Lost Temple

The jungle felt like the inside of a sauna set far too high with far too much steam. That was always her first impression of South America, or at least the regions that encompassed the ancient empires of the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca. She had been hacking...

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Three is the best number

It wasn't every day that Isiat was actually home for his birthday. A few years prior, he'd been on deployment. The year after that, he'd been on active standby, and after that he'd been delayed getting home by bad weather, and hadn't arrived for...

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No third wheel here... I'm back baby!

The long hallway down to the bedrooms was decorated with various pictures along its length; Shots from Isiat and his buddies in Iraq sitting astride a Chally' two tank. Isiat and Shadi at their wedding out in the countryside. Isiat, with his entire...

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Familiar Instincts

Kaycey sighed wistfully, the vixen's large, bushy tails flicking to and fro slowly as she looked out over the field in front of her. The deck underneath her feet was nice enough, stained red wood, like the rest of the modest home, a strange modernist...

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The party had started at six o'clock on the dot, but they'd been planning it for weeks. Just graduated, accepted into universities. Young, stupid, six foot tall and bulletproof. Everyone felt that way once they were done with their childhood life. You...

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