The Depraved Sun

A castle sat in the middle of a city steeped in light even though the blackish-blue of the evening was descending. Tall lamps adorned the bridges glowing to show the way to the castle gates where guards and knights stood in resplendent armor with...

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The Adventures of a Blind Tigress, Chapter 1: Beginnings

Dannica worked herself up the wall, trying to see clearly through the tears that kept falling from her eyes, and her heart skipped a beat at her father's name. they kidnapped her because of her father.

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Chapter 1: Bad Day at Work

It was covered in splatter from the beating he'd given roger's head, crimson blood and flecks of skull and brain standing out on the hideous green.

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CBC - Sins of the Father

He hung there as the trio started to beat him, punching him repeatedly in the chest, stomach, sides, back, and face. his legs gave out quickly under the assault, and he hung there by his hair like a grotesque piñata.

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(C) Illegal Pet

(spoilers, someone eventually finds out) this is a beat down story, a fairly one-sided one, and not a feel-good story. so be warned for being hit in the feels in a bad way by the end. also, no sex, just violence. **illegal pet** by xp author dragons.

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In the Kitsune's Tails (Finale, Dark, Cub, REVENGE!)

This is the finale of the noguchi stories, and after the beating he got in the last chapter, he's out for revenge of some sort. this, here, is the last of the stories with him and gives a finish to everything.

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Collector Manson 2

Third, public mutilations are not allowed, beatings are encouraged at all times. knowing your slave's ability to endure a beating is key to not killing them. i prefer making them do tasks the hardest way possible.

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Ricky vs Zander [Birthday beatdown]

"well, i was willing to let you beat on me, but since you're not the type..." ricky grinned, focused on trying to push back against the lion.

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Good Neighbors 1: Beating Heartbreak

My heart beat awkward in my chest. "it's alright man." he clicked his tongue. "a foot's a foot and you like feet. pretty normal thing to get hard over if you ask me." i looked back at him, fraught with uncertainty.

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Beating Him Without Even Looking

Irving is confident that he can beat her times -and- beat her in a race all at once, and she's so determined to prove him wrong that she's willing to beat him while looking away from the screen.

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Chapter 1: Same Beating Time

#1 of love and other demons love and other demons chapter 1: same beating time one, two three, one two three... the whistle, the ball bouncing and hitting the wall, some yells and some people cheering up, pretty normal until a loud sound stopped

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