Journeys of Time 22

#22 of journeys of time with christmas over and most of the family about to head back home, a homesick wyvern decides to fly ahead to enjoy life back at their normal home, however the decision will soon cause the greatest pain to begin for the family when

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A Dragon's Path - Chapter Seven

Nightclaw saw her, and asked, "homesick already?" "it was the only place i ever knew," she replied. "i thought things would be wonderful out here... but we haven't found anything yet, and we've been flying all day."

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 8

Aren't you homesick too?" kuna stared at him levelly. "nope. gotta have a home to be homesick." "....huh? come again?" "my people are nomadic. never stay in one place. remember how i said they got it in their head i was 'cursed'?"

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The Visit

"homesick, kid?" he promptly looked back at the road, intent on maintaining the 90 or so miles an hour they traveled at. "nah!" chuckled the blond furred coyote, scratching at the back of his neck unwittingly, "i was just admiring this scenary.

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Feral Fantasies Chapter 1

Sometimes he'd feel a little homesick and missed his family, but he kept his chin up and continued to push on, never looking back, and never wanting his future decided for him. his adventure eventually brought him to a forest.

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Taming the Wilds Chapter 17

Regrets were far from his mind, and he knew that his knowledge was doing no end of good here, but he still felt the pang of homesickness from time to time. "no problem, my boy.

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How Midnight Shines (with pictures and music!)

homesick had haunted us for the first couple of months, but we had each other to get through it.

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Things Got Better

"i'm sure you might feel lonely or homesick for your old world, but i want you to know that you can always go back there.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 18-Autoshow

"feeling homesick huh?",i asked walking up to him. joe looked up and smiled at me. "a little",he said,"it's nice to have a truck from texas up here." "what's it serving?",i asked.

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 21

I was homesick, and wanted to go back desperately, yet was terrified of doing so. i remembered how angry my father was, i thought it was my fault that i liked other males.

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