Lily's biography

Very delicate, intelligent, smart and proud of her culinary talents but sometimes exaggerates the latest, also very helpful and careful when she's cooking for others. in combat is a great strategist.


WebbedToesMD: On the Perils of Bedroom Bondage

He wasn't one to exaggerate--indeed, a rivulet of juice ran down her lips and taint to pool around her butthole. "you know, you spend so much time on those websites." a snicker wrapped in pleasure escaped her maw.

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Kirsten Does Commorragh

"exaggerations, huh? i hear the same rumors you do, and let me tell you, they sell the place _short_ if anything. look - open up those ears of your and try not to bruise your cheeks blushing while i read you in.

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A Casual Hangout

Eventually, she began to tense up after each lick, and the rising and falling of her chest exaggerated further. his efforts brought her to a crescendo of moaning, and her thighs squeezed together around his head.

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The Night in Narnia 4 - Chapter 4 - Jokes and their consequences

Slowly she realizes that she has exaggerated this time with the fun, even if it was obvious. "i'm sorry peter, it was not meant that way. i'm afraid i exaggerated it with the fun.", aura after a moment rather meek and uncertain.

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Chapter One: You Must Be the New Guy!

Piri let out a single, exaggerated yawn before nearly instantly falling fast asleep, snoring slightly. "reijo. . ." she whispered, smiling even in her slumbering state. "sorry i'm late!"

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Horse Sense and Dragon Tales

But he was anincredibly wise wizard, even given his propensity for exaggeration. why do youask?"  thehorse sat back on his haunches. "no reason i guess.

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To much playing around...

"most furs exaggerate their size, but you... i think you under exaggerated." a soft smooth paw slides along the underside of the dropped stallion cock, feeling it thicken in his grasp.

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The Baker's Dozen: Option Two

Rykla, however, had gone all-out with a physiology that exaggerated just about everything that could make the red male go wild.

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Two Dogs Share A Proclivity For Licking

He says plainly, casually in a way only he can say, "i don't know how to exaggerate that." she knows. but it makes tettus smile to hear it.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 25

He looked at her annoyed, replying with an exaggerated "owe." scotty chuckled as he realized how his words sounded.

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The Trickster Mage and the Singing Warrior 1: Illusions

We started discussing and i for some reason, exaggerated a little in performance and wanted him to clear a dirt that i did on purpose.

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