Done By Dusk

The sound of clothes tearing filled the hallway as the cries of many a large animal struck the air. the latter was what the doctor expected. the former...

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Dominion Transference

Caltha moaned louder still as she fondled even more, feeling her shoulders and back widen to accommodate her growing limbs and booty, letting an addicted caltha to shower in the sound of her clothes tearing apart.

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To Be Hunted -Clean Edit-

Salem shook off the shock from punching the beast barehanded and felt his clothing tear as claws glanced his left pectoral. there was a faint stinging sensation from the site where he was wounded.

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Properly Packaged

Struggling only made the paper clothing tear further, taking away what little dignity she had left.

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Out of Time

Her body slowly started to change; she fell on her front as the bones gave soft pops with her transformation, she got onto all fours as she grew, her clothes tearing as she became more and more feral. "aw sorry, did we hurt your feelings.

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Tik Tik's Tryouts

She opens her mouth and bites down on that cloth, tearing it free from panini's body and then shoving her tongue against her simian slit. "ooo ooooo!" panini cries out, her eyes rolling back, her grip strengthening on that shaft.

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A Pachyderm's Package

But the sound of clothes tearing, wheezing breaths, skin stretching, and muscle cracking were almost impossible to ignore. she was therefore forced to watch her friends changing, thinking that any moment she was to undergo the same fate.

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The Scandalous Adventures of a Lusty Fox- Blog 8#: Like Father, Like Son

The older donkey suddenly started to grow, much quicker and much faster than he son could, his clothes tearing into pieces, as his massive chubby belly and muscular bod was revealed to the public. in a few seconds, he was as big as his own son.

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Let's Go (Halloween contest result 1/2)

It then moved up to her hips, muscled thighs as they burst out of the old clothing. tearing it into rags as it went down and deformed her paws.

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Tales from Silicon City 22: A Pocketful of Jayb

Stripped of her ridiculous arsenal of weapons and with her clothes tearing further due to her expanding waistline, the australian supervillain flinched as her ballooning hips and blossoming rump continued to tear holes in her tacky camouflage jumpsuit

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Demon!, Chapter 2

."** **so i took off my glasses and shifted to my true form; my clothes tearing to tatters in the process, and showed him. you should have seen the look on his face, it was priceless. such pure, utter, terror!

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The rings of fire, part one

Over the roar of the flames in his ears, he heard a strange sound, a sound like cloth tearing, but it seemed somehow distant, unconnected to him, insignificant.

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