Worthy of the Goddess? - Kinktober 2021, Day 14
He was as devoted a worshipper of her pussy as any deity could have asked for from a follower, and it wasn't just eagerness and enthusiasm either.
29- Bonds Stronger Than Blood
You kept to your duties and training, one could not be prouder of your devotion.\>" she ran her paw through the padawan's hair, brushing her devotion beads and smiling.
Royal Court Stream Story 1: Delusional Devoted Deities
**delusional devoted deities for rayo\_elgatubelo by draconicon** the sun shone down on casaquir and his mother, xu'maneem, greeting its fellow gods as was only proper during the middle of the day.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 20 - Indiana
The nameless bat twink stared devotedly into my eyes and drooled a river down his chin, wings wrapped around my broad shoulders like a cloak and ankles resting behind my thrusting hips.
Lovebirds - by Jeeves
His clawed feet dug not into her flesh, but clutched instead at the base of several sturdier feathers upon the female's back for support, and he held himself back, devoting all his remaining willpower to delaying his own orgasm while trying to drive aya to
The Quest for the Holy Dildo #11
They're people who are very devoted to their faith, devilah. sometimes they get the particulars wrong, but they want to devote their lives to it. they feel that anything that gets in the way of that is a distraction.
Remnants of the Past
The massive hunk had never felt anything like that before, he'd experienced -very- strong pleasure before, but nothing close to the levels that five devoted men could bring him.
Yuuhi - [Someday Soon]
I spent months with him, in love, and devoted to the point that no others had ever crossed my mind, while there were curiosities i dared to explore and never followed through... he had me... mind... body... and soul.
The Celosan - Fantasy Fulfilled
It was what she'd wanted, an utter devotion to an alien monster. the celosan set her down delicately, and even cooed at her, a sound that made a joyful laugh come from her.
"first into the fray and last to kneel before me, most devoted of my pack. my beloved attila. are you ready to join your brothers in holy communion with me?"
DDD Day 27 Lex and Luca's Hypno Castration
They weren't entirely brainwashed anymore, but their sense of devotion and love had increased dramatically. "l-lex?"
The King Takes it All - Part 17
"you talk about her a lot lately... she's really devoted to you." kula stated, a little jealous perhaps of the young female that was showing such devotion to scar lately that it was rather shocking.