Happy Anniversary

Lust, orgasming onto trilla's tongue and coating his beak in nectar as she bucked and moaned, a soft churr coming from the larger male as he grasped her tits and wrapped them around his dribbling member, a slutty croon erupting from her as she began to be tit-fucked

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Leodus 2: Rescue

Hi everyone! Lone Tiger here. I apologize for the lack of detail of my previous stories. I didn't really focus on them enough. I tired really hard to get the detail in this chapter though. By the way, Furry means Anthropomorphic right? Cause if...

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Two Page Tales of Tails: Merina

Two Page Tales of Tails: Merina by Dracos Blackwing (all chars copyright me! No stealing please! ^\_^) The sun beat down on the desert town, heat rising in waves from the roofs of the low, white plastered buildings. In the center of the town,...

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Lara raids the wrong ruin

Lara raids the wrong ruin "okay, this ruin is said to hold, the egg of time and space" Lara says walking through the stone archway and into the ruins. A few hours into the exploration she finds the chamber she's looking for and on the central...

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Technomation: Bambi

Bruce was a young man who lived in an apartment in a large city among the human. One day he walked down a street early in the morning, there was barely anyone else there, just very few others. Little later he reached an area that had none...

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Darling Daughter, Desired Friend

Darling Daughter, Desired Friend Selin yawned and stretched as she walked out of the classroom, her tail flicking behind her as she glanced back and forth, rubbing at the back of her head and her backpack hanging idly over one shoulder. A...

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Truth and Consequences: Chapters 1 and 2

This is the sequel to the Gingerbread Man:2109 in which where Matt begins to learn some truths about his adopted race and the results of his actions in order to be accepted by them. This story and all the characters within it are the sole...

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Road Rovers Creative Writing

So in time, hunter got sasha on her back and start to tit-fucking her while colleen eats her pussy and rubs sasha's clit with her breats. sasha gave hunter an outstanding tit-fuck.

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Road Rovers Hunter and Colleen's wedding night Surprise

Jenna hadn't been expecting anything quite so classy. Arrange to meet up in a hotel with a couple that she met on the Internet and she expect to find herself in a fifthy dive that rents rooms by the hour. She certainly didn't expect some luxury...

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Adventurer's Love

After my last fic I wrote one of my friends from the RP I play in asked me to write one for his character Maximilliant, and his character's girlfriend, Evelyn. All of the pics are his work, not mine, you can find him here:...

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Pokemon: Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 6

"Thank you, and have a great day!" With a goodbye from Nurse Joy, I left the Pewter Pokemon Center with my Pokemon in top condition. I was surprised to not catch the woman getting rammed by something large and angry, but that was probably for the...

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Lightning romance

Please leave comments and critique. If you have a Pokémon you want to see for future stories tell me. I want to thank everybody who has given the series or one of its stories favorite or watched thanks for the support. Don't think it's over...

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