The Werekitten Travel Agency

Wait, hadn't the kitten mentioned something that sounded suspiciously like old gods-- "well come on let's get going!" the kitten dropped to all fours and started to crawl into the box. it was barely big enough for him to fit inside.

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He Who Would be Master 13

"think of the old gods, their worshipers. every burnt offering concentrates focus on the deity, its gifts, it's identity, its wrath. so focused, akasha rains upon them, like water into soil. and so, they flourish, flowering in power and vitality.

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Saloon Knight

Duncan saw a few key things about phelan today: he's quick on the draw and can do some fantastic things by calling on old gods.

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Knight Until Dawn pt 3

Kevin tried to remember the names of all the old gods, and prayed to them all that he would be granted a quick death. maybe the gods did respond, in some way, because suddenly the onslaught was over.

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The Forgotten 4: Initiation

He had trained them to know that the old gods were calling them home. they were calling them to arms and to freedom. the goat itself was the first warning that something was happening.

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A Thief's Trials: The World Turns

It lured and coaxed beings such as dryads, nymphs, and the old gods to come and rest beneath it. those that died were taken into the roots of the tree and became a part of it. immortality, girl, that was what the tree meant."

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Hyla Brokenfang at the Witch's Ball

The winding witch is certainly powerful enough to shroud you, indeed she could fool even the old gods, but she has no reason to that i can see. shrouding you breaks the rules of the pact, and she knows why those rules exist.

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Eventide - VI

Now, i am not normally one to believe in the divine, but at times i wonder if the old gods still live," he said as he carefully navigated a turn to lead the bewildered otter up a set of stairs.

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Furside - Chapter 7, War (Part 2, Path of the Hound)

"it is our belief that one of the old gods was shielding you from prying eyes, he revealed you to us just in time for us to arrive and get your to safety."

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Creating Bonds

Some say we are serevokin in vulpine form, or that the old gods cursed us and sent us to this world as a means of warning against you." he shook his head slowly. "no lissak would have me. we are reviled.

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Sins of the Father

"this god walked among mankind, forcing them to their knees , for though he is the god of revelry, there is a darker side to him as there must be to all the old gods. he came here as a gift to us, an unlooked for gift."

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Identity (A1, B1, C11)

She is unknown to most of modern humanity because she was born a natural birth amongst incredibly old gods." chance rubbed his chin.

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