Perfect Kidnapper (The Legend of Korra Vore Story)
Pema's bloated abdomen was really huge and entered p'li's mouth slowly and reluctantly, stretching her jaws and throat up to their limit.
Blowing off Steam
The wasteland sky was dark, thick cloud cover bloated with rain, yet underset by a slice of light from the setting sun.
Seven-Day Trial Pt. 3
His hips swayed while he walked to the door, leaving the wolf bloated on the floor.
Over My Head
Completely immobilizing the furball a few moments later when his bloated paws couldn't reach the ground.
Commission: Losers
The mare continued to bloat, her body filling more and more.
Kinky Potions
Their upper stomachs bloated with cum, up in their anthro halves, for a taur was two parts made whole, blooming out in a smoother round of cum-pregnancy.
Drunken Lullabies #18
Blowing up her underside to the point where she lost track of numbers, creating a bloated belly squeezed underneath a mansion-sized polar bear.
Virile Ascension
Vizzu, still bloated with achak's cum woke up at the sound of his booming voice.
Experiment #1231: Appetite Supplement
Squeezing your thighs together beneath the bloated heft of your stomach. you groan. so full. "full? nah, nah. let's fix that."
Filled by the Pharmacist
I felt more like a sex toy than ever as i continued helplessly to swell, the strain intensifying as shot after shot of tanuki seed bloated my body.
Competition of Corpulence
The two girls bloated out quickly, taking up more and more space in the living room and pushing back furniture around them.
Drunken Lullabies #5
Dia panted, getting up and stepping over his new balloon; red draconic tool dripping out rainbow juices over the small one's back as he tried mounting the bloated one.