TF Remote

Walking past a display, something bright green catches his eye though. it's a green remote set up on a wooden display case. it looks like a normal tv remote, all the normal buttons.

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Pins and Needles, Part II

Now she was here to check up on the reported missing display items. "i think i have some good news, dr.

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Discount - Chapter 1

Look at a display full of leather roses.

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The Amphitrite Files - Initiation

Oliver was last seen going north...bring up your map displays and tap in." once everyone did, the commander made a few taps on his commlink to open up a holographic display of the area that everyone could see.

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Found and Lost

Knowing that neither of them could afford such, they nonetheless entered the pavilion and walked along the carefully watched display tables with their paws clasped politely behind them. the artistry of the jewelry on display was unquestionable.

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Day 6 Alone

Ciria had seen the display in passing, soaking the whole exhibit in before doubling back, returning to look in more detail.

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Things That Sparkle and Shine

As they turned towards the display he noticed she was fidgeting and glancing towards the front door.

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Research Log [#002]

Replacing the face is a curved screen, capable of displaying simple emotions via monochrome pre-determined expressions. the ears have also been removed and replaced by two triangular antennas, connected to the facial display via a circular hinge.

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Desert Wind - A Diplomatic Invitation

The dance switches from a tease to that of a sensual display, as if she caresses the body of the very air itself. the story, of course, continues, and the lovers have a falling out.

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Hero Practice - [Preview]

His name and parabolt's reversed in the display. "if you like, i could play the bad guy for you. get you some heroism practice."

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