on the out side of love

It is a mutual thing between the animal and the caretaker, she who feeds and brings water, as well, another who with bit and bridle does force this large self to wheel and turn, to do her bidding lest she bring upon me pain.

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Chapter 9

the caretaker said there are no other goods except foods and stuff, and most of them terminated here. this station usually closes in winter, but with the trend of private delivery businesses he kept this place like it was in summer."

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A sacrifice for the greater good

"that's better." the fox continued "now let me explain; i am the caretaker of this catacomb and also the priestess of the gods. this here..." she suddenly started pawing the wolf off "..is my ever faithfull servant.

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Undertale: subject 13 part 1

Blocking the only way out, toriel the caretaker of the ruins, spent most of her life guarding the entrance, making sure that no one leaves the ruins.

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Lore: Gods of the Ferroverse

Considered the caretaker of the dead and ruler of the realms of the dead. often feared by the living, yet he has little interaction with them. he seeks not to kill, or for mortals to die. those that meet him known him as kind, almost fatherly.

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Good Enough (Riley)

* * * the caretakers had gotten everyone to the park around noon and had already started setting up food and drinks and games for everyone under the shelter. the sky was clear and sunny.

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The Wrong Yggdrasil

I am the caretaker of yggdrasil. well, this yggdrasil tree at least." the larger squirrel finished with a bow. "eww, so formal..." the blue squirrel cringed in visible disgust. "...and that bundle of joy is my aspect, bitter."

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Embracing Instincts

Sasha on the other hand felt her heart drop at the realization of it all, an overwhelming helpless feeling taking over her thoughts as one of the caretakers moving her cage spoke aloud to herself, "okay, let's put her with the other lioness's...

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An Alegeharian Novel. Medieval Era Chp 1. Beginnings. In the year 2354, there was an angel named Xavier. Xavier was a holy dogtaur that was head of experiments. In heaven there was a rule of not mixing certain things nor creating new things without...

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 38

She was the opposite of me, she was the martyr, the healer, the caretaker. she was always trying to talk sense into me, make me see the light. \> you say "what did i just tell you, love? this world obviously needs a tougher hand.

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Slow and Steady (Tortoise TF)

Otherwise, the caretakers would get locked in all the time, wouldn't they? travis thoroughly felt along the edges of the door, growing more and more frustrated with each passing moment. as he did, he began to lament his decision.

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He's the caretaker of the school grounds. he makes it look so pretty. so many flowers. have you seen it?" flowey nodded, and then sniffled. "w.. why are you nice to me?" "because you deserve it. you are a good person inside." flowey looked up at frisk.

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