The Cold Dawn Chapter: 1

"these runes look strange, like a mix of ancient egyptian and another culture but i can't be sure" he said while tracing the runes with his finger.

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Ancestor's Gift

The 'when' is a complicate question, since for me it was last week, but for most of you, it would be classified as _millenniums_ago, when the 'ancient egypt' was only called 'egypt'.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-One

The men guarding mal tonight more closely resembled ancient egyptian gods, and were as effective at striking fear into the hearts of men as anubis had been four thousand years earlier.

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Astro and the Buried Boner part 6

That got quashed by his mother by the time he was nearing adulthood. (14 years in ancient egypt save the royal court where adulthood wasn't recognized) what a scandal if you're caught with anubis in some....strange position."

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The Jackal Awakens

The language he spoke was ancient egyptian, the same as had been used in the days of the ancient pharaohs. only one other person in the tomb could understand and speak it - isep - and she smiled broadly as she heard him.

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Lusts of the Gods

It was ancient egypt, about 1570 b.c. deep in the heart of a temple, a scene unfolded...... the jackal strode down the long columned halls, a determined gleam in her eye.

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The Gates of Hell, Chapter 2, Synx

The eyes were surrounded by what looked like black mascara applied by an ancient egyptian, but were in fact a kind of sensory organ that looked like wet black rubber close up.

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Heavy Metal Soup for the Soul- Chapter 1: Welcome Home

"i'm descendant of a pharaoh in ancient egypt." "very nice," replied shaunã©," and what about you," her question turned to tireã©. the panther smiled slightly," since the civil war my family has a military history.

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Captive, Pet, Lover

Anyways, i have a busy day ahead me revealing the long lost past of ancient egypt. there is a rumor of an undiscovered site from around 1000 bce, located about 140 miles to the south-southwest of the giza plateau.

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Lykos - Blood Dawn

In ancient egypt beneath the shadow of the construction of the pyramids, one thief plots his ultimate score - the water of life eternal.

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Setting the Stage (Chapter14, book8)

Scientists and doctors had different names for it throughout time, but even the ancient egyptians were savvy enough to cut it out over fifteen hundred years before the birth of christ.

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A Hero: The Lusty Dragon

Naturally, the ancient egyptians thought he was a bit... off. very little of him, if anything in the history books. it has a built-in valve and tank for spurting stallion semen at a push of a button - collected fresh before every use.

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