4 - Contemplations on Divinity [Incomplete]

"i cannot physically continue to read that book if my theory is correct, nor can you return to that book until you find validation, true or otherwise." "indeed.

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 8

What takes you nonths to heal would take ne weeks due anything you cannot heal thron, i cannot heal thron." "so then this gun would probably kill you just as easily as any human if i shot you?" i nod, then lick my lips, noting how dry they feel.

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Unusual Battle

He cannot pull his hand away. with all of his being, this rabbit is more dangerous. professor flash a devious smiles, "you will you do what i ask you to do" he's no longer asking.

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 14

Since i can't run and cannot fight directly perhaps there are means that i can set up a trap or two, try and incapacitate or even kill one from that.


Coming Home

From this height, combined with its shoddy camera, it cannot make out the exact shapes of the striking bolts, but the flashes alone display their great power.

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Evil at Blackwood Manor

"stay strong, they cannot stop me for long." i step right up to the front and kick the door before me to pieces. weak, blackened wood. a joke. immediately they rush for me.

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You cannot go back and if you run we will hunt you down and bring you back, but not to such a pleasant reward, i can promise you. you must go now. no. i will not go. if i cannot go back and i cannot leave, then i will stay here.

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter five

You cannot stay here, your soul will degenerate. you need to pass on or live on." "i cannot leave my people without leadership and i cannot stay without people expecting me to claim power over everyone." bahamut sighed.

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Itchy Fingers

Tim eventually cannot cry, cannot moan, cannot scream, and cannot make any sound of any kind. tim's eyes become blank. tim stops being able to react to the blades or the fire, or the surgical implements.

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I, Dacien -- Chapter 17 -- Interlude IV

We cannot risk that happening to us in lycaili." "cannot?" "cannot," said wolachya with finality. "withdraw your agents from lycaili." "and blind ourselves? my agents are hardly as ... as ... inept as lubor." casimir shook his head.

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A Foxy Monster - Cockgenesis

This cannot be real, he has always been big but not to unrealistic proportions like this before.

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