A Special Gift (Anthro Vaporeon TF/TG) [COMMISSON

Blue's hair retracted into her scalp while her ears became much larger, resembling fish fins. another fin like appendage formed around her neck, white with creases on it.

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Ripping Through the Tides

I pondered its purpose; it wasn't my dorsal fin, was it? no, i could feel a tingling lower on my back signaled my dorsal fin protruding. maybe it was a second fin for steering in the water. i would find out soon enough, i supposed.

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The X-Hunters: Chapter 3

In slow, circular motions, i went down from her fins to about half a foot past her navel.

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Adaro -- The Wrong Lake

Unlike a merman, it had legs with fins for feet. a shark-like fin sprouts from his head, and a horn sits where its nose should be. it commands an army of flying fish that rip to pieces anyone foolish enough to enter their waters.

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Mega Pleased

Then the end of her tail formed two very long, large, and sharp looking fins straight up and down as her tail fins. plesio used their paddle limbs entirely for mobility, but maggie also had the benefit of a powerful tail.

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Lab Rat 3 - The Island of Dr. Mills

It's arms stretching to the ground with small fins along the side. a large fin on it's back with two powerful legs stretching down. it's head leaned forward like a gorillas still resembling a sharks. it turned and ran towards me to attack.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 2

His aquatic fin splashed and flopped on the water's surface."adam! hehahahahahehe! st-stop it!"

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Why I am convinced mermaids exist!

"it's like some regular flippers, but conjoined to a single fin. well like a real dolphins tail." emily rewarded me with an admiring look. "correct", she stated, "i loved my monofin.

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The Otter Lad from the Sea

Webbed toes and fingers replaced mine, as my tail grew a fin and i felt gills evolve into the sides of my neck.

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Zootopia PD: The Hairless Ape 4

The last thing she wanted to do was have to tell fin that nick had perished in the line of duty. then she heard the sounds of the many different wolves howling. they'd found marcus. that was good. chief bogo would be happy about that.

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Duty Chapter 2

She couldn't help herself and grinned from cheek fin to cheek fin. the grin turned infectious and her mother broke into the same grin. "cellista! i'm so proud! oh he covenant couldn't pick a brighter dragoness.

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