Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 6

The Confrontation "Scared you to bits, huh?" said Belial when he noticed the silence. "Can't blame ya. Not many can stomach that kind of violence. It's pretty common down there, so you get the picture." There was an uncomfortable silence during...

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Vengeance On A Sliding Scale

This story was written as an original work initiated on October 10th, 2019. The first draft was completed on October 14th, 2019 (7,659 words). The second draft was completed on October 30th, 2019 (6,954 words). The world-setting (containing...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 13

Despite their wounds and fears, they pushed on. They had no other option, not if they wanted to escape with their lives. Out of everyone, no one was more afraid than Robin. The thought of passing away in such a hellish place was terrifying, but that...

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 12

The Prince of Violence Malkar reached the basement just in time before a particularly violent force destroyed most of the ruined structure above. The ruined roof then fell over where Malkar was several seconds ago, covering the entrance with a...

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 5

A Personal Prison But then, Zardes quickly realized something wrong. While he knew an Infernal, despite the name, would not be coated in flame, he knew something was wrong the moment he noticed the Infernal and how the demon was positioned. ...

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Prologue: The Vessel and the Immortal

CREDIT TO VALLHUND FOR THE AWESOME REF SHEET/ICON!! This story is not pornography, or a fan fiction. All characters present are used with permission, or a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to other stories, characters,...

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Light Bane: Chapter 20

The pillar of light's effect was immediate, but it also caused more oddities to appear aside from the mutated creatures. One, in particular, was someone who never thought his life would forever be...

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Interwoven Souls - Chapter 2: Resentful Bonds

The forest swayed in the soft breeze, the chirping of crickets sticking out like a sore thumb from the horror that had unfolded earlier that evening. Mono could feel the thick bile and digestive fluids covering his clothes and exposed arms, heart...

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The Pale

I could feel my throat swell as vocal chords rubbed against each other in ways they were untrained to do. Yet I couldn't help it as I lost myself to the crowd's energy, the roar of cheers, the brutal pit that had formed. The lights concealed the faces,...

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The Dark Descent

The moon was full, but shrouded in dark clouds, sending down rays of light into the woods below. Further off in the distance was the silhouette of a fortress. In the woods was a clearing with four figures huddled around a fire. All of them appeared to...

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I was a gay teenage zombie

Shockingly aware and witty, this thrilling tale by acclaimed horror and dark fantasy author alison cybe dishes up side-splitting laughter, stomach-churning horror, heart-rending drama and everything you'll need to know about growing up when you just don't

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The Shadow Chemist 1

Her body trembled with a mix of adrenaline and alcohol; her mind racing with dark fantasies. she stumbled towards her bed, her tail twitching wildly as the overwhelming desire took hold. "mmmh...

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