
And like i already said, you're family, and you always help family. you and your friend are welcome here as long as you need. just, why didn't you call sooner?"

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Calm Between the Storms (A2,B3,C12)

For all we know, he is out there alone and needs my help. family first. karla told me on the phone that she's going to lay low with the gang for a while. they're going to train and practice and prepare themselves.

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Foundations: Part 9 (AaO Side Story)

Friends couldn't help. family, neither. teachers didn't really give a damn... no wonder i wound up snapping." it was impossible to miss alen's reaction to that.

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'call for help! family will help!' i did not have a reply to that. she did not need one.

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Relations & Dragons

"if donell is with you, you're as good as family, and i always help family." leading drake into the bathroom, arnold sat him on the toilet before pulling out some gauze and alcohol from the medicine cabinet.

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Kaleidoscope XIV - World Under Fire

"that's why you came, and i'm not the type to stop you from helping family." arty offered a paw to guide cheren and started moving. "good luck, doc. when this is all over, i promise i'll help however i can to get ashe back on her hindpaws."

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New Beginnings: The Life and Times of Chakat Silverpaw. Chapter 5: Relief

Remember, we help family..." shi paused. "...and both you and your mate are family in our eyes." i opened my mouth to respond, but only to close it after a few awkward moments. there was nothing i could say to something like that.

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The Cold Dawn Chapter 3

"my sister is dear to me, i do what i can to help family....but i'm still not sure about you" and once again he disappeared from sight. i wasn't sure what he thought of me after our fight, but it looked like he has his family close to his heart.

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It showed s-sec staff helping families find their way with smiles on their faces. it showed miners and engineers smiling happily as they rotated on and off passing mining vessels, returning to their families on station.

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Seeking Guidance

"always happy to help family." five minutes later the trio entered the hangar, both wolves having taken the time to say encouraging things to the trianii in a kind effort to pick him up.

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