Is love enough?

.: yeah cliff hanger i finally got around to attaching this to the other stories and now i will be writing a sequel to love loss you can blame tamati for this.

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Forbidden Love

Her eyes told of love, loss, friendship, and trust; her smile showed hardship, and perseverance. "i won't push you anywhere you don't want to go." i said, trying to soothe her fraying nerves. i could sense the inner conflict within her.

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The Last Dance of the Jackalope

Her status as an illegal alien hampered any futile attempts to find decent work in this country, and she held no love loss for the gringos or their nelgas backwards la cagada laws.

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Love Anew ?

This a squeal to love loss. i am tying up loose ends. edited by cedricdream[]( "cedricdream") "time goes by slower when you miss the one you love."

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Was there ever love ?

I know i have done one like this before with my lucario story love loss. yet i feel this is a bit different. some who know me know i love happy endings. with this one i have to fight to get there. i don't know if i should continue.

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Patient Zero (2/10)

It was a relationship end that still stung in the back of trevor's mind, not because of the great love loss from losing his partner, in fact the more he looked back on it the vainer and whiny he remembered him to be.

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Starry Starry Night

love, loss, sex, life. and bulls and stallions. for some reason the sky seemed especially beautiful tonight. cloudless, the stars stood out like little diamonds and the sounds from the pine forest around us spoke of nature in all it's glory.

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Eastfallon Part 11, or Delving into the Depths

She could see hundreds ofimages flashing past her retinas; loves, losses, friends, family, wizards,insects, pirates, boats, cities, mountains, valleys, trees, flowers... suddenlyshe longed to be able to walk on dry land.

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Thoughts about love, loss, and his own mortality...what was he thinking? life was supposed to be all about doing whatever, wherever, and whenever without regard to much else right now.

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Sketch Story: To Whom This May Concern

A character's hopes, dreams, desires, love, loss, family, friends, and responsibilities were just tossed aside as if they meant nothing!

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Love Anew : The heart wants what it cannot have

End notes: i hope you all enjoyed this as i never intend to have a squeal to love loss. yet here it is. i know some were expecting a big sex scene but no it really had no place here. still i am happy with this one.

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