Spray Part 1

This would be the first time in years that i would be using it for a long sea voyage. gars also assisted me with loading the boat._ _when the boat was loaded to the brim with my bows i smiled at my friend. he smiled back with his small, yellowing teeth.

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Invading Will Chapter 12

"did you enjoy the sea voyage deanna?" thomas teased. "no. i didn't." "its not every day we all get to sail together, a rare treat in fact.

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My fears had waxed and waned on the sea voyage. court favor hadn't exactly been blowing my way in the preceding years. my previous posting had been, to put it mildly, a disaster. the emperor was displeased, in a personal way.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1

Little jakey the azurill and his older bro, a marill named jimmy, are seeing their father, the indomitable maverick floatzel sea captain maxwell, off to a dangerous sea voyage.

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Step into the Viking's Tent

Knut was a grown man now, he thought, ands he would act as much, even if the tunic he wore was just a little too small over his slender frame after the long sea voyage had made him look even thinner than before they left.

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Lepulines were... perhaps less to my taste, truth be told, but i'd kept my mind open to the idea as i considered it on the sea voyage. one didn't enjoy oneself by sitting out new experiences, did one?

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Kingdom For a Heart

Perhaps he should make a sea voyage one day, find another country to explore, meet new people. the thought of it entertained him long enough that he didn't hear the otter's reply properly. "sorry, could you repeat that please?"

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To Wander Infinity ~ Chapter Seven: The Bird and the Snake

"so," jiam said companionably, as though he were merely enjoying the veporligh during a calm, relaxing ocean voyage, "what brings the heir of bandarethe to boendal?"

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Phact or Phallusy?

She found that believing in those old tales was something she was having difficulty in and that if they were true, how had those things survived during that long ocean voyage. and seriously; why would anyone go crazy over something like that?

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The Gridiron Gang

Gridiron closed both eyes and gave a belch "fuck it kiddos, your going on a sea voyage in a few hours, so just settle down food, then you'll flush!"

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Eventful Voyages, Part 1 of ?

* * * "uggghhhh...why do people say that sea voyages are an adventure...hrrk."

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