Irresponsible Distraction [Trade]
Another day of class. The spaniel had trouble keeping his head lifted and eyes open today, just as he did almost every single other day... and it certainly didn't help how the professor droned on in the same tone, on the same subject as he had last...
Rising Stars 3
Rising Stars 3 The doorbell is one of those sounds that pierces everything, and can always instill _some_ form of rapid response. Curiosity of who it was, fear of who it is, excitement that it's a package. Or pure panic. Having no trouble ringing...
The last drop chapter 3
Donny sat down on the stool, legs spread, cock hard and leaking as a big buttplug uncomfortably fitted inside his asshole, plugging in the piss enema he had just gotten so he no longer had to hold in.
Kioga: Clench'd Houls Part 1
On a vacation weekend, the crew got back together to let it all hang out. Kioga, Wesley, Lugo, and Evanstrom took a trip to a luxury medieval hotel, the Frothric Castle near Anal Londo, and sauntered into their converted castle hotel suite waddling...
Hiccup's Revenge
To relive the pressure you have to drink the water, which in turn, will fill up your bladder and make you pee into your own ass, effectively giving yourself a pee enema." "got it?" he asked. "mmm-hmm."
Cold To Hot
Raul waited at the door, paws in his pockets, jacket pulled firmly around himself against the cool morning breeze. The rain throughout the past week still made itself felt in the noticeable drop in temperature, as well as the certain scent it imparted...
Good Use #1: Out Of Order
Sitting across from me, Ryan reached over to set his empty glass at the edge of the table - and he did so with a sly, pointed look my way. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows over my own drink. "What? _Again?_" "Mhmm." The wolf sat back,...
Pledges in the Clubhouse
Yet, it wasn't exactly dry either, he could definitely feel the effects of the makeshift dog pee enema he'd been given as the sticky marshmallow, lumpy oatmeal, and everything else that had been in him pushed out into the seat of his diaper.
A Trip to the Pet Store
Mitch was purring very loudly, noticing how well his pet was taking to his piss enema. there was just one more thing he wanted to make sure of as he reached in the canvas bag again, pulling out a "chew toy".
Daddy - Chapter Two - Good Boy
. === _ **fetish warning ===** piss enema below.
Master of Hearts (Thorough Examination) Part 3
Connor shamefully admitted with a heavy breath, the nurse looked back at him with a raised brow, "is this piss enema part of watersports?" "yeah, pretty much."
Pierced Pleasure - Chapter Two
By the time the sun had completely set, and the night's sky was fully dark to reveal the bright stars above, Marzo's tattoo shop remained closed with a sign hanging over the front doors. Fortunately, even with the neon displays brightly lit over the...