Hypnovember 2023 - Entertainment

"exactly," the panda said, giving a glance to the rest of the room party. "in front of all these friends of ours!" "hoo! sounds great! i really like being the centre of attention, especially when people praise me for doing good!

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Elevator Ride

A wild rave had been thrown in the main ballroom, and he'd danced with friends before retiring to a room party for drinks and hanging out. now he just had to retreat to his own room to get some sleep.

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The Convention

The days are filled with art shows, dance competitions, parades, lectures, and meetups; the nights host a nonstop party at such a scale that an entire floor of the adjoining marriott is reserved just for room parties that spill over from the official venues

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Vore Party at the Ball Room

Vore party at the ballroom chiryn knew what he was getting into when he invited some of the others from town to join in his ball room party.

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Drug Me

Let's just say i walked into a room party that keeney was hosting without my knowledge. and for those or you curious, i did not participate in any... "activities" in there... at least while the shit was going down.

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[Serathin] Unconventional Hookup

Because we were thinking about possibly having a room party but if these many people want to talk to us about this we're not going to have room in our hotel room."

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Coons At A Con

It was good to keep one at cons should a room party erupt and there be no music. flogging molly played at a reasonable volume as i turned back to him.

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Harvey and the Unexpected Sausage Party

Consider this your invitation to our next room party. you're gonna be the centre of attention, i can tell," james chuckled.

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Unconventional Hookup

Because we were thinking about possibly having a room party, but if these many people want to talk to us about this we're not going to have room in our hotel room."

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