Groundhog Day
Thanks to some religious nutters in his office every single groundhog had gotten the day off for groundhog's day.
The second reason she had come her is because recently she had been taking some religion and philosophy classes to fill in missing gaps for her diploma.
To Conquer a Village
It was only then that i realized that this was a thank you gift to me with some religious show to boot. i felt a smile form on my face as i watched them descend the mountain side, looking back up at me with smiles of their own.
Corwin Hall, Chapter 21
I know a lot about some religions, though. lisa's united church of christ, so i try to keep up with that. and a few years ago i wrote a series of articles on leporidan cathedrals.
Consummation Part 1
After all there were some religious zealots around the town who would think they knew better than elly, and you never know who might be one of them. "don't be afraid. i'm quite similar to you. wasn't comfortable with the role i was assigned by society.
Summer Heat – Epilogue
Eventually, with a lot of help by mara and sierah, who also still were at the school as teachers, he found out that a few hundred years ago, some religious party found mating impure. they taught that it was a sin and therefore it was banned.
Personal Space
'_ "don't you think it's at least good that some religions would teach forgiveness?" mano had asked. "lot of good that does," elizabeth had answered, "with the cycle of revenge it's actually causing.
Jori Comes Out: The Story
some religious extremists, called the judges, viewed homosexuality as a sin, although the holy book of ai'onniz, the lore, did not say such things and even promoted both as means of expressing one's spiritual truth and to share deep affection, respectively
Chapter 4 - Motion Personified Alpha
The increased physical and mental abilities of these ancient-born are often glamorized and glorified in traditional lore, with some religious denominations even seeing them as touched by divine forces, although modern science has not proven anything beyond
Identity: Chapter Forty
He did not have the support of his party and some religious groups were campaigning against him but he still won the election because a lot of college kids voted for him.
Lachrymatia-Chapter 5:I'm with you
"not a clue, i figured that he must be some crazed fan that thinks if he can't have me then nobody can, or he could be some religious nut that's trying to purge the world of furs like me."
Chapter XX: Sun Down
If he wanted to beat back the shadows, why not just fire it at the very start and use that as some religious propaganda to gather everyone to the south? you saw what io and even dorthango reacted to the _farmer's archives_!