12 Vores of Christmas, Sixth Vore of Christmas, Deer

There was even a avian version as the deer saw briefly a white owl, being pulled along by big white hawks.

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The Cry for Freedom Chapter 1: Revaluation's Awakening

The elder, a white owl, heard headfirst of the fray and feared that the war of the humans and the furries was going to occur again as both the humans and the furs observe the trials that both had to endure as then resulting in vengeance.

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Merlin, in his white owl form, flew to us immediately and magically became himself. he was indeed merlin, and had not lost any power through the ages. i quickly produced my id and told him what was going on.

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It would hardly do not to appear in her full glory, the white owl demon decided as she focused on the pathway opened between her and her summoner, feeling more than seeing her lab disappear around her and replace itself with a rather unkempt bedroom.

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[Draconicon] Werewolf Exorcism, 3: Prowler's Temptations

One of the villagers, a white owl, lunged forward with a torch. teryx started to stand up, feeling in control again, but satres was faster. a black blur whipped through the air, and the torch went flying...as did the villager.

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A Teenage Kangaroo's Dilema

A white owl passed lucas as he stepped next to a frog. "hey lucas, " the frog croaked deeply "did you ask out amanda yet?" lucas shrugged, trying to play his recent embarrassment off. "i didn't think today was the right time you know?"

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Darwin`s Legacy 19 - The End of Time: Part II

For one thing white owl was wounded terribly and has lapsed into a coma. bear cat speaks for the tribe in matters of war now. shadow, that disloyal little ..." dawn continued as aster and the baby joined them.

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Above the Law

"we need to do something about her." the white owl woman maria said, "you're sure your security kit can't handle someone of her size and strength?"

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Chapter IV: Shattered Dawn

A small, snowy white owl came shooting out of the forest on the outskirts of clockwork and which framed her camp. its glistening white feathers caught the faint shine from beyond the magical veil that kept the world in a perpetual, grey twilight.

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The Shapeshifter: Part III

She was dressed richly in a dress of white and blue, all adding to the effect, and her snow white owl was perched watchfully on the top of her staff. "is there a problem here?" sir gallan immediately straightened and bowed. "of course not, lady marion.

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