This is the story that, as i started to come to terms with my being aromantic, i kept looking back at, and thinking "yeah, this... this explains a lot of it." "stagnated" by k.m.
Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Training
Thankfully he had taken my unwillingness for romantic attachment very well, quickly announcing himself to be aromantic certainly clarified that, although he did hint he would be up for more fun in the showers if the mood ever took us.
Sunken Treasure
Details: brought to you by "wugfish" with the luxury tier request of "something i would love to see is a story with an openly asexual and/or aromantic character.
And I Must Scream
"You go to hell for the company, and to heaven for the peace and quiet." "Sometimes it's more gradual than people talk about," Fran's roommate had tried to explain. "Like, on TV you'll see oh, this person's reacting to this specific crisis, she's...
The Hand You're Dealt
"Forgetting someone is killing them twice." Fran had kept having a harder and harder time dealing with her best friend's coma alone, while her roommate had kept having a harder and harder time dealing with living in a graveyard full of dead...
The Hand That Feeds You
"Darling when the morning comes And I see the morning sun I wanna be the one with you..." (Grover Washington Jr, Just The Two Of Us) "Do you think..." It'd been hard for them to talk about, but they hadn't had anyone else to talk to. "Do you...
The Mind Killer
"Even nothing is something." (Jerry Seinfeld) [FLICK!] ['-ment, 'void,' while it's sometimes compared with the Greeks' 'aether,' is also quite distinct from it in its own way. It connects with the importance of space, silence, everything that...
Tears In Rain
'If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it'll spend its whole life believing it's stupid.' (Albert Einstein) "Ugh, really?" It'd already taken Fran half an hour to get to the bridge. It'd been raining that day, fittingly, she...
Respawn (re-post, correct)
Fran's roommate may have been ace, but she hadn't been aromantic. "on any level, yeah." the jackal may have been aromantic herself, but she could still relate to the concept, in a wider sense.
Scorched Earth
"À la claire fontaine m'en allai promener (I went for a walk to the clear blue fountain today) J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle que je m'y suis baignée (The water was so pretty I had to take a dip) Tu as le coeur à rire, moi, je l'ai à pleurer (Your heart...
Out Of Mind
"Where is my mind? Way out in the water See it swimmin'..." (The Pixies, Where Is My Mind?) It'd been one of those mornings on which Fran just hadn't felt like getting up at all. What good could come from it? She hadn't been able to picture...
The Master's Tools
"Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things." (Terry Pratchett) "So these robot masters," Fran's roommate had asked her as she'd been playing Mega Man, "they're supposed to have been built to do just this one job, right?" The jackal had...