Beauty and the Wolf Chapter 4

#4 of batw chapter 4: the project damon hurried home after school. madi had agreed to start the project over at his house... only problem was that his house was a mess...

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Beauty and the Wolf Chapter 3

#3 of batw chapter 3: first day. going into the school the first time was a... interesting experience for madi. she had never seen so many people in one place before.

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Prologue

Her eyes scanned through the canopy into the sky above, seeing the form of two reptilian creatures with leathery tan batwings. they reminded her of dragons, they even had a similar snout to hers.

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Confronting an old nemesis.

The demon poped up with a screech, a black shell that resembled tar covered his whole body, batwings sprouted out, his eyes where glowing orange like the flame he made earlier which enlighted his body.

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Hell on Earth. Chapter 17

Rave got a batwing to the face, paused, and pulled off the screeching, flappy mouse, dangling it from a claw. "what was the plan with those things of yours, exac'ly?" "when we find our doggy security friends, you'll see, dear."

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Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 2

After so long of a haitus i'm back with the rebooted batw!!! i will probably be uploading this along with half-blood my other chapter... but yeah here we go!

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Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 1

#1 of beauty and the werewulf okay i've decided to pull out the first chapter of the reduexed batw.. here it is hope yo guys like it! chapter 1 madi had just finished packing.

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Beauty and the Wolf chapter 9

#9 of batw chapter 9: cleaning up it wasn't until biology that damon decided to reappear... madi had started to get worried and was very relieved when he decided to come into class handing the teacher mrs lang a note.

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Little shop of Pleasures 3

Gets into time-machine ignoring raised hands about timelines and paradoxes -grey the small bone charm rattled against the wooden "batwing" doors as the bull pushed them aside, stepping into the large room.

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Beauty and the Wolf Chapter 8

#8 of batw a/n here is chapter 8! i hate to say this but i might be forced to go on haitus soon... at least until _werewulf_ is finished... i'll still be writing but won't be uploading...

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Beauty and the Wolf Chapter 5

#5 of batw chapter 5: a new friend... he had no idea what he was doing there, but sure enough he was standing on madi's porch, _'this must be what madison felt like when she was standing on my porch.

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Beauty and the Wolf Chapter 11

#11 of batw **chapter 11: sleep-over** madi sighed as she got into the shower. her head had been starting to hurt a bit and she hadn't got much sleep that night... her thoughts kept on veering towards damon... it confused her.

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