The Bet
He had done as jesse said, just like the terms of their bet had promised.
The Bet
You must now vote on whether he wins the bet or loses the bet. before you decide, i'll tell you right now, tory gets laid, either way. you can vote by placing a comment with your choice.
The bet.
"ready for the bet?" smirked colin. luke returned the grin. "of course." the two headed out the doorway leading to the pool. what they bet on was simple - whoever could perform three laps of the pool the fastest would win the bet.
The Bet
A bet's a bet and you have to see it through like a man!" kevin's words made the stallion's ears swivel towards him before laying flat against his skull in distress.
"i am sorry lucky; a bet is a bet." cadpig says while she sees that lucky gets surprised completely. the dalmatian pup growls with bother while he takes his costume and he looks at it time after time.
The Bet
You did make the bet after all." twll smiled as he sat down on the bench and leant against the locker itself. "he's right after all, you did make that bet with me."
The Bet
The way his tongue moved so passionately and with such force, it was quite clear that the rat was eager enough to do anything oliver asked, bet or no bet. and that gave him an idea.
The Bet
A ferret makes a bet with a tiger. the bet by danath \* \* \* "same terms as always?"
A Bet
bet he'd look much better with that prideful hole o' his filled to the brim." archer got out of his car and grinned at the thought. "hopefully this won't take too long," he said.
The Bet
I'm going to win the bet! she thought to herself, grinning from ear to ear. the only reason she wanted to win the bet was to prove her sister wrong and best the slightly-younger kitten. at least that's what she told herself.
Precursors: Decisions
"you want crazy, bet?" jun. "_that's_ crazy. you're under estimating them. there goes what secrecy we have left. and, even more importantly, even if we get what we want, at that point it would be like we were declaring open warfare.
Maychin request: A bet's a bet
A bet was a bet after all, and he kind of agreed to do it by stripping in the first place.