"so, uh... just a blowjob right?" the tiger nodded, a toothy grin on his face.
Hammer Blow by Gruffy
Heheh me and Cog got a story commission off Gruffy ^\_\_^.  Commission by [Gruffy](https://gruffy.sofurry.com/) If you like it please let...
Just Remember to Blow
Shaun looked at the imposing organ, and the smiling tiger, and shuffled to his knees before he could allow himself any second thoughts about just how sensible an impromptu blowjob in a practice room might be.
The Way the Wind Blows
David Thompson was a very strong fox of high moral character but even his mind had been frayed by the horrors of war that he had seen through three tours in Iraq. But this time off, this time when he would return from hell on earth for the America he...
Blow out at the zoo
For the life of me i could not figure out why the massive beast wanted to blow me or how he was blowing me up. the pressure soared as he blows faster. my cock and balls started ripping through my pants.
Windfall: Blow-in-the-Dark
blow-in-the-dark by tempo windfall paper copies: [http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=798](http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=798) e-books: [http://baddogbooks.com/?product=windfall](http://baddogbooks.com/?
Blowing Off Steam
#1 of written commissions a commission written for left4cake008 on furaffinity of his original characters, david and kitara, taking a blowjob quite literally. kitara intends to inflate david, but will everything go according to plan?
Blowing of some steam
"Come on in, let's get you relaxed mousy." Harold said as he stepped back from the door enough for me to slip past him into the house. I didn't quite try hard enough to keep from rubbing against his large middle. Neither of use complained. Pantless Jay...
Blow Up Kaiju
Being able to blow up massive every day like a huge monster balloon. this was kira's dream job even if it was something she was being forced to do "i.... i guess i don't have a choice," kira said looking at sonya.
Blowing Off Steam
"I can't believe you did that," Niles growled, slamming the door behind him. The croconaw glared down at his partner, a deceptively dainty charmander who was doing her best to ignore him completely, "you could have gotten us all killed!" "What, you...
Learning to Blow (Collab)
It took everything he had for him not to blow too soon, scrunching his beak and letting out a strained trembling moan.
Blowing off Steam
._ the dark thoughts were locked away deep in the back of her mind, the heavy door she mentally constructed; welded shut with imaginary blow torches and sealed by false chains.