Winter Breeze Ch. 6 Pt.1
#7 of winter breeze ?hey look, another two-part chapter... as usual, critiques, suggestions, violent reactions, opinions, and comments are welcome here. so don't be shy to share whatever's in your mind. i would appreciate that.
Shy Breeze
breeze said, grinning as he turned the projector towards the wall to the right of the fireplace.
Passion on the Breeze
. :3 **passion on the breeze** there were few things quite so peaceful and refreshing to start out the day as a relaxing stroll along the beach.
The Honey Breeze
Which would be carried to them on a honey breeze. outside, in the twilight, the same honey bee that ketchy had nearly stepped on ... flew solo in the night.
The Last Breeze: Poem
Poem the last breeze the winds blew through the hearts of the young souls, yet the young heart yet known the hidden words locked within his soul within the airs of tomorrow, the winds howl within the ever knowing night sky, feeling the everlasting sense
The Yoshi Berry Breeze
His skill was an art form around the island- his most sought after creation- was his upside down, double fudge triple layer: yoshi berry breeze cake.
Sea Breeze Health
He walked into the newest health gimmick store, titled "sea breeze health". their schtick, as he quickly realized from the labels and designs in the shop, was aquatic based medication.
Whispers of a Seasonal Breeze
At the same moment, snow began to fall from a few thick clouds in the sky, and a breeze soon picked up. this led to the air taking on a divine, surreal aspect, as if stars shot across it.
Breeze, The Dragon Slayer
"w-what," breeze said opening his eyes a bit. "breeze!" the voice called out again. breeze lit open his eyes, it was morning time. breeze sat up and stretch, he looked around and found himself on the beach.
Milking Out The Truth [CM]
It was hard to answer as things began going black, but he managed to force it out nonetheless, "breeze."
That Warm, Moist Summer Breeze
Summer breeze's eyes lit up and she bumped the apple with her nose until desmond handed it over. in summer breeze's strong jaws, the apple lasted mere seconds. desmond watched with a grin.
Breeze Song, part 1
The Blaziken's crow broke Michael's dream, and he rose. Taking his cane, he descended down the stairs to let Alex out before having some breakfast. Alex was a Luxray that he and his older brother, Jonathan, had raised. She was an effective mouser...