Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 20 (Epilogue)
The honeycomb burrow was still wrecked in places as with the hole in the ground as blueberry slowly pulled himself up to a sitting position, gave up on it and laid back down again. "you've been here unconscious for a few days."
What could you compare Kyruku to?
The bones in their tails have a unique 'honeycombed' bone structure, providing more than adequate strength while being lightweight, so as not to throw off their balance as more develop.
Making of a Queen
More chambers filled with honeycombs, each separated by short small tunnels barely big enough for her to fit through.
Complicated Simplicity
"we don't have much time to grow the den outside of the winter, because we're busy looking for grubs, nuts, berries... and honeycomb. mmm, honeycomb." "the more i learn about your kind, and the more you show me, the more curious i am."
The Sweet Sting
Rather than individual frames, the wasps had made as solid honeycomb structure throughout the drawer. it was dense and three dimensional with little paths running around it.
Musical Chair!
Once my feet disappeared within his ass he sighed in relief and pulled up his cute honeycomb underwear before putting his shorts back on and buckled up his belt.
Omnivice Exhibition Part 6: Bondage and Minor Formes
After that, matching cuffs appeared on his wrists and ankles, and a small honeycomb of hex-shaped crystal plates formed along his mouth and sheath, in a pattern that seemed almost zipper-like.
Spheres of Influence
From honeycomb to honeycomb, fulfilling some mysterious purpose known to them alone.
Wasps's Sting 3
That i'm supported, the more of these stories check out more of my work through my linktree cover art by @heckabun posted using postybirb the spider slings tik tik down from a high precipice, sending the kobold tumbling through rotten and desiccated honeycombs
Bee Stories 1
I carefully tip-toed through the honeycombed hallway and approached the offered child. the queen allowed me to hold onto the wriggling babe, who nuzzled against me with its warm and slimy body. "she's a beauty, is she not?" asked the queen.
Wasp's Sting 4
Energy brims around it, and the ghostly apparition of a filled honeycomb appears in the opening. "there, now more safe." "thank you," the queen says, sitting to her knees, hunched over. "i don't know what i'd do without you."
Professional Curiosity
A swarm of her dormant assistant combee leave the honeycomb on her lower abdomen, swarming my body and carrying me up to land on her. they're gone as fast as they came. there's no use trying to leave her.