Kyle and John
Kyle then turned his attention to john, and got a good look at john's outfit. john, the dragon, was wearing a tanktop that was made of spandex.
Alex & John
"yeah john i do, so, let's start this!"
Long John
She turned every corner tight and fast, sucking what was left of my lunch to one side of my pelvis or the other as we wheeled to the meetup with the john.
John and the Giant
john flinched as he heard his mother's voice echoed across the barnyard. it sounded shrill, impatient and annoyed.
Johns story
He was always late though so john decided to continue with the normal setup without him.
John and Tyzzy
Tyzzy explains to john that he must hug his plushie in order to become a better person. john listens to the convincing plushie and hugs his own transforming himself into a plushie. both feeling so good mindless.
Trevor and John
"john... m-my name is john." he quivered a bit before slowly reaching out to grip the small fox's paw slowly shaking it as he sat there. "nice to meet you john." trevor slowly pulls his paw back before moving to take a seat next to the big wolf.
John Schmidt
They were too busy to notice that john was snooping into their conversation. all he could pick up was that his father was not going to pay the west peak boys anymore. john had no idea what was going on, and did not care all too much.
History Rewritten: Prologue
john shouted as dagon reviled his true form.
Castlevania: Soliloquy of Shadows (unfinished game script)
Even though it was clear that their faith was shaken as well by the changing beliefs of the world, they at least gave the benefit of the doubt to their heritage; after all, it was their grandfather, john morris, that had last fought with dracula, and they
Political Corruption
Take last year for example; prime minister john key expressed his version of appeasement. greenpeace had been informed that researchers discovered how much new zealand should cut down on carbon emissions and wanted john key to attend the world summit.
A Moment Alone
He was panting, reaching for john, commanding him to watch. john obeyed. he always did._ shit. he was hard. that wasn't fair at all. john decided to do the reasonable thing: ignore it and continue his shower.