Chapter Two - The Brothers Gael
Chapter two The Brothers Gael Morgomite City was once a thriving mining colony, centered around harvesting the mineral for which it was named. But when deposits of the ore dried up, the Klaknari Galactic Conglomerate pulled out, taking its workers...
Chapter Four - Pretty Slick
Chapter four Pretty Slick Krits's eyes narrowed, and his tail twitched anxiously as he sniffed the air again. "They definitely came this way," he hissed. They had followed the scruffy-looking, brown-haired Martian and his blonde Aeripan friend all...
Chapter One - Don't Give 'Em A Chance
Chapter one Don't Give 'Em A Chance "You don't wanna do this, kid..." Kiole Enkal said coldly. His low, gravelly voice hung in the bar's smoke-filled air. His bluish gray eyes were every bit as cold as his voice, as they narrowed and locked their icy...
Furtasia: The Canari
The Canari The canari are a nomadic people who travel throughout the kingdoms and nations of western Furtasia in caravans of horse-drawn covered wagons. They make their way as traders, herdspeople, and seasonal laborers. They are often maligned and...
Furtasian Species Guide
**Furtasian Species Guide** This is a list of the types of anthros and other beings that inhabit my fantasy world of Furtasia, and may find their way into my _Blood of Atlantis_ series. I'll probably be updating this with some frequency, adding...
Science for the Sci-fi Writer: Dark Matter
For a while now I've been wanting to write a series of articles about the 'science' in science fiction. How things presented in sci-fi might be plausible given our current understanding, and especially things presented in science fiction that we know...
Furtasia: Thladiran Language
In my fantasy-world of Furtasia, one of the races of beings that I've given a considerable amount of time and thought in crafting are the wolf-like Thladirans. I've even gone so far as to develop the rudiments of a language for them. Their language is...
Furtasia: Thladiran Pantheon
One of the species that I've developed most in my fantasy world of Furtasia, is a wolf-like people I call 'Thladirans'. They're built off of wolf-like races that I usually played many years ago when I played role-playing games. I developed a culture...
Wicked Stepsister - Chapter Three
Chapter Three Kayla pulled Elizabeth up by her bound arms, and trundled her across the barn, where she threw her down onto a bed of clean straw. Elizabeth looked up at her stepsister through bleary eyes, still impaired by her running make-up and...
Wicked Stepsister - Chapter Two
Chapter Two An hour later, one bowl down, and Elizabeth was feeling nicely toasted. Gandalf, the horse, continued to munch his hay above her as Elizabeth prattled on to him about how horrible her life was, and what a bitch Kayla was. Elizabeth almost...
Wicked Stepsister - Chapter One
Chapter One "You can't do this to me!" Elizabeth screamed at her mother. Her icy blue eyes glared at her mother with an intense fury. The red-orange hair that framed her alabaster face made it seem as though her rage had erupted in flame about her....
Chapter Two
Chapter Two The bell rang and the classes emptied into the over-crowded hallways of Woodbury High. Originally built just after World War II, the school had been designed to accommodate roughly one quarter the number of students currently attending....