Chapter 50: If It Makes You Happy

He dragged his wrist across his bloody lip and spit more blood into the shallows. good god, kel had always been so damned strong when he was angry. shit.

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Making progress.

I then walked to a shallow are, water at the level of my waist. the sweet liquid against my body made me feel stable, safe and secure.

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Padded Fun in the Sun

Shivering as he watched a lithe female skunk in a diapered sarong chase the naked, soaking wet and padded vixen back into the water, both of them shrieking with laughter as the vixen was tackled and they both splashed down into the shallows in

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Nicks capture.

She grinned up at him as her hands gripped at the sand under her in the shallows.

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Phox & Folly

Her hips pressed down, spreading his legs apart and grinding the noticeably tender knot in deeper then back as she rode it in shallow, intensifying thrusts.

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Cephalopods, part 2

Kelsey sat at the bottom, watching the man's feet dangle over the side of the shallow stone bench he sat on.

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Part 9: The Opossum

But before the fox can make it further into the house the ludicrously-endowed horse hears a shallow breathing and other pawsteps. she informs angela and tells her where it is. "hrngh!" amanda watched the fox struggle with the antenna.

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Story Pral, the Fearsome Black Dragon, Rules the Dark Swamp

Satisfied with his grooming, pral watches as the creature emerges from the shallows of the dark river, navigating the gentle current.

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Blood Magic - Act 1

He slowly ran his tongue over the shallow puncture wounds and cleaned them with a tenderness that surprised the young fox.

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Summers' Passions

Ten made his way over to a shallow area where he would be able to lean his head up and breathe while on his back, but their bodies would still both be underwater.

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