Heroes Hunted
toxtricity said as he then looked at gengar, who was still recovering from the bliss. toxtricity approached gengar and spread his ass.
M Incineroar x M Feraligatr
Incineroar then pinned him down as the toxtricity counted. "1..." the toxtricity said. "2..." the toxtricity yelled again. "_come on..." _incineroar said, hoping he would win already. "3!"
Hold Your Weight - Commission for Asteyr
Thetas, the amped toxtricity, walked with his head in the air, a tower of bright yellow static hissing above his crown between two small crests.
Travelling in Galar
Letting his pokémon parners (nate the inteleon, max the toxtricity, fiona the thievul, greg the drednaw, vivian the flapple and thomas the drakloak) out of their balls, nigel himself sat down on the station bench, already feeling the fatigue on his legs.
André the Heliolisk vs. Fito the Hawlucha
He's... a toxtricity. one heck of a masochistic toxtricity, mind you." "a masochist?" "yeah. we complement each other well... i like to beat larger, stronger guys... and he's a larger, stronger guy that likes to be beaten..."
VIP Access
Honestly, shamelessly based off of this https://twitter.com/tzarvolver/stat.....36460144992256 tweet, though changed around so that i could have a little more fun... and use the form of toxtricity i like better.
Assassin Party
His order was met with an affirming nod from the well-groomed toxtricity in bizarrely casual attire for a party on this scale.
Corrupted in Aegis Mountain: Chapter 3
As this happened, a female staraptor, a male lurantis, and a male low-key form toxtricity would approach the room curiously. the staraptor would smirk with intrigue. "that's the new guy right bass?"
Corrupted in Aegis Mountain: Chapter 4
On closer inspection, he could identify them to be a toxtricity, a female staraptor, and a lurantis. "frost, meet team fulcrum! they may be a c rank investigation team, but they have very good wits to them!"
Big Bad Wolf - Coevolution Interlude 01
"this tall toxtricity fella' came in--matched the guitar just perfect. was happy ta get it off ma hands." the meloetta suddenly turned serious. "how ya doin' shugah? seem like ya walk in here followed by some kinda storm cloud or sumthin."
Incineroar's gurgling misadventure
A lucky toxtricity was tossed into the mix, able to swim lightly with almost all of the room taken up.
Hypno's Hypnosis Reign Part 4
Show me how slutty you are my sexy toxtricity!" hypno yelled back as he became closer and closer to climaxing as well.