The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 22: David Who?

Chapter 22 David Who?           Sometime later, after spending me free time roaming the alleys and watching ships enter and leave the harbor from the rooftops, I checked me father's pocket watch and saw school was almost over. I thought about going to...

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A Father's Love

"Good-bye, Marissa-" She slammed the car door hard, and before I could say anything, she quickly started the car. In a flash, flown dust from my gravel road camouflaged her car speeding down the street. I held a paw to my muzzle as dust got up my...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 20: Helping Blink

Chapter 20 Helping Blink           Edward's cooking never disappointed me appetite in the past. This fox was a wizard with cooking, even by me low standards. If I ever became a rich gentlewolf with a mansion, a dozen pretty vixens by me side, and a...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 21: School

Chapter 21 School           As I slept peacefully as a newborn cub, I thought I fell into the Hudson.           Instead, I had a bucket of water thrown on me. "Git up ya mutt!" a gruff voice shot. I spat and grumbled while staggering offa the hay...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 17: The 4th of July

Chapter 17 The 4th of July           "Happy 4th of July to everyone!" a newsie I knew nearby shouted with a swishing tail. "Happy Independence Day to all humans and fursons everywhere! Oh 'ello Peter!"           I nodded to Bromley and tossed a coin to...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 19: How I Got Meself in Jail

Chapter 19 How I Got Meself in Jail "Excuse me copper, but how long do I hafta stay in 'ere?" I whined while grabbing the round metal bars. All around me, other convicts with deep voices growled and yipped at me comment while banging the bars of their...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 2: New to the Neighborhood

Chapter 2New in the Neighborhood           "Get outta there ya filthy brat!" the restaurant owner, probably drunk of his arse again, threw the bottle, missing me muzzle by a mere pinprick. "Go back to the sewer ya crawled outta, ya here?! Stay out of...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 1: New Year's Day

Chapter 1New Year's Day           I had a dream, a really quiet, yet wonderful dream. I felt a soft bed underneath me, a warm fire nearby in the corner of me room, and the smell of a hot meal on me lap stung me muzzle like a slap from a nun. The food...

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The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 7: A Stroll in Central Park

Chapter 7 A Stroll in Central Park             I was dreaming again, this time of being back at the orphanage. Me life there was good, almost perfect. I was sitting cross-legged among other kits, listening to a nun named Sister Susan. She was an...

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