Interlude: Starflight

Despite her bitter memories of the estate, she couldn't deny that this room still felt like home to her; now that she was about to leave it again, those feelings began to well up. she shook her head.

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Belonging Chapter 45

I shook my head at the bitter memories. "riter did that. she ordered the kreq to do everything since the very start.

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Mornings can be a real.... Bitch!

That failing excuse is the only repute his mind gives in defense to the bitter memories as they flashed before his eyes. these memories distracted his actions for an instant from his struggles and the dreaded tasks ahead.

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The Link

I paused, as a more bitter memory crossed my mind. this time, it hurt did to think about, and telling the tale was heartbreaking. if i hadn't already cried my eyes out ten minutes ago, i would have broken down in front of them.

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Other Options - Part 1

"i'm a veteran of that kind of relationship," i said, feeling the bitter memories of my past girlfriends momentarily resurfacing. "it stinks." "no doubt about it," said mickey. "i was shocked to hear that you had three girlfriends cheat on you.

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Decisions and Sacrfice Twelve

Stoker couldn't look at the rats, lost in bitter memories. "that was after he befriended a lot of mice and was head of communications." rimfire put in. "hrmmm" ma'ze shook his head.

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The Prisoner of the Prince

He looks down at the brandy swimming around in the decanter, as if watching bitter memories in its surface.  "humour me." i give him my warmest smile and he quickly glances back through the french windows to check for his master.  "benedict. benny."  

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chpt 45 - The Cave

Angry, bitter memories... she resumed... but every passing second made it more difficult. the intruder continued to move slowly. she finally saw her target. at the far end of the cavern stood unimon. he stood by the cracked digi-egg of love.

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Bravery - Chapter 6 Polaris

He received my 'messages' and he grinned when he continued, although it was a rather bitter memory for him. "before i could show my confusion and astonishment, he threw his leg on my shoulder, and then he started kicking me, beating me.

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Tears of the Bloodscale: Joshua

The sanctuary remained as a vague, bitter memory, but in the end only that what was present counted. he spent the next six years in his new hideout. he grew up and became a young man.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 16

National pride, legacies, and bitter memories. all are motivations for competing, just like love and sex are! our twins have come a long way since that ski resort. now both sitting at the olympics and sporting a new sister-bunny as well!

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