A Spark of Hope

Isn't that better than to see me carried off to the castle's dungeons? isn't why you barged in here like a crazed barbarian?" "i...i can't say no to who i really am." fyrwen leaned in closer to his distressed mate. "i love you, hraeth. you.

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Children At Work

A man in a cloak spoke as he stood with another cloaked figure in the deepest level of the castle dungeon. "we'll throw it through the wormhole, and never have to worry about it again." he gestured to where there was what looked like an old stone well.

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Somebody's Got To Do The Dirty Work - Part 1

These are not the castle dungeons. of course they can't be, i work for the castle, for christ' sake. someone would've noticed.

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How Royalty Works Part II - Epilogue

They dragged him, naked and everything, to the castle's dungeon where they threw him in a dirty cell and locked him up. the place was dark. zeke had lived most of his life inside the castle, but he had never seen the dungeons before.

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Two Worlds: The Last Goodbye, Pt 2 (20)

Humphrey was banished from his sight after he talked back yesterday; he was now stripped of his position and to work in the castle dungeons cleaning up after the blood and vomit. he was just another servant to the king.

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The Fiery Sexcapade

Rayleonard would have equated this basement to a castle dungeon. there was a small area as sort of a lobby. changing rooms flanked the stairs, and across from the steps was a hallway that reached into the depths of the basement.

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SOFURRY HOUSE PARTY: The Fiery Sexcapade

Rayleonard would have equated this basement to a castle dungeon. there was a small area as sort of a lobby. changing rooms flanked the stairs, and across from the steps was a hallway that reached into the depths of the basement.

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The Thief and The Assassin: II

Donovan moved through the castle dungeons, silently killing any guards he came across. this was completely different from before, when he'd let the guards live.

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Master's New Pets

The kindly plump otter lead them all through the castle, from the tallest tower where the giant machine that charted the heavens endlessly ticked away down through the kitchens to the hot spring far beneath the castle dungeons.

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How Loyalty Works

. :) it was remarkably dark in the castle dungeons.

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The Depths of the Dragon's Dungeon

. -- 9 months had passed since komodau's capture, not that he could tell that as he had no way to measure the passing of the days in the dark castle dungeon.

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