Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 2: Squad Power Usage

Ai hacking and fucking energy drain! but** _ **nooooooooo** _ **! you use a fucking** _ **pink** _ **combat drone that does so little damage, it might as well give the enemy** _ **medi-gel** _ **! it does fucking** _ **negative damage!"

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The fox, released

"sleep now," he said, and i felt the energy drain out of me, nodding into darkness. i awoke to tangled fur and the scent of stale sex.

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Party of Private Parts

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight as my energy drained from me and i passed into an exhaustive sleep, not to wake until the following morning as the janitorial group was cleaning up the mess around the cum-splattered participants of the party

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Toys 1: The Knife

Like the fox promised, he had never felt pleasure such as this, and when it finished he lay back in the bed, fox still inside him, energy drained. he barely noticed the fox walking over to him, taking pulling himself out of the drained otter.

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spyro x cynder love and lies chapter 3

draining from her as she hovered. she smiled lightly, and wrapped her tail tighter around spyros... they stared at each other, hovering, understanding the other without a word between each other. suddenly, cynder passed out, and things got very complicated

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The Trial Part 2 of 2: Segment of My Book "Planes"

He chanced another energy drain and sent another heat beam into the sky. the skyrider moved back and forth in the majestic, fluid motion they were known for. it wasn't long before he found norwald's signal and quickly sank through the air.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 3

He looked pretty sad, curled up into a little ball on his new bed, slowly feeling the energy draining from his body and his eyes shutting with a final message in pink.

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Bottomless Bar: Chapter 6 (Patreon Premium)

Jacob's cock was quick to shrink as the sexual energy drained from his body, leaving him weak.

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Random Raptor Vore

Blood soon started to leak through his flesh, his very life energy draining into the predator's stomach.

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The Harpy's Sire [Patron Reward]

Clayton felt his energy drain out of him, like he was sinking into quicksand. the waves of sound washed over him, and his wand slipped out of his slackening paw and onto the forest floor.

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Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 27: A Blustery Titania

\*\*\* i felt my energy drain much more quickly than i thought. my throat was as dry and scratchy as the sand, which reflected in my wheezing breath. my mind was reeling for water.

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