Aaru - Chapter 12 (Master Kami)

It made sense that someone who was a champion of the fire deity would be chosen to train me in fire bending. what better teacher could there be? "what do you guys think of him?" i asked curiously. "i respect him." jun'bak stated.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 5: No Place Like Home

I quickly closed my mouth but some of the fluids still dribbled from my mouth like drool and set my shirt on fire. "god fucking dammit!" i cried, as i shimmied out of the top half of my fatigues. dr.

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Home Again - (End Arc One)

"exactly that... the fire goddess is not here. one of the locals might be persuaded to reveal her location but then there would have to be locals to do that. i believe two things happened here.

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The Last Aspect

For hundreds of years there's been a cult of mirrik, the fire god, that holds him supreme." "the land is ruled for the gods by the priests," altaega said. "this challenged that rule." "up until a decade ago, only in name." he sighed.

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Slaying The Dragon's Pride

Atop the gatehouse a towering priest clad in black iron, his face hidden behind a helm fashioned in the image of a dragon, spoke in a creaking voice _"who dares come before the gates of scatha the fire god?"

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Breeder City S3 Ep. 1

Stop firing god damn it!" the lead guard screamed out, making the others stop. the jingle of bullet casing could still be heard. the older man followed by the others ran to the broken window with their weapons at the ready. "shit shit shit shit!

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Zero Point: Chapter 19- Desperate Measures

Nicknamed okratt's blanket in deference to the fire god worshipped by some pre-unification cornerian sects, the white phosphorous grenade was a very nasty surprise to those unfamiliar with it.

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"the anthro's fire god? what of him?" "he's, he's my dad." raydan smiled at the shocking expression sara gave him. "that's impossible. the gods are just a myth, they don't exist!"

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Companions Chapter 27: Fred's Tall Tale

Then the fire god leaned back and grinned, "ta-daaa!" "unbelievable!" "yeah, you said that already." "where did you learn to do that?" "it's just a technique i developed over the centuries." he held the stones out to fred.

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Endless Tides 2: Equivalent Evelonox

He quickly dashes up to hades and uses his tail to leaf blade the fire deity. the attack causes hades to back up slightly but it didn't cause any lasting damage. hades reaches down to try to grab hakuzo but he quickly darts out of the grasp.

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Furnace of Stars, part 4

I asked, taking a sip of the "scotch", immediately coughing as it burned my tongue and throat, like trying to swallow fire. "god, this tastes like..." "it's an acquired taste," the cat reassured me.

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Shadow-Moon Clan

Many wept openly at the beauty of the fire god as his emerald-green eyes looked down upon the outcasts' leaders. "vendin and marda, wolf and serpent. both of you are my children, just as all those gathered here are my children.

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