If it's Tuesday, This must be Morocco

It was an extravagant display of wealth from olden times, especially decadent given the drought that had depleted the countries water supply these last few years.

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The Life and Soul of Rikh Ghanyr

This entry seems to be a legend from olden times, a story of gods and magic fit for homer to recite in a grand pavilion. when questioned on his opinion about the journal's authenticity and veracity, mr.

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The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 2

The roll of slayer, or monster hunter, was a very important profession in olden times that a person, who survived the monsters that they hunted, could become very rich, and the white guardens excelled at it.

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Halo: Left Behind, Chapter 4: Why We Fight

They spoke of olden times and did their best to not dredge up the less unsavory portions. from what they told him, katt monroe, the feline he briefly worked with, was doing well. he was surprised to hear that she worked with the team many times before.

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It was such a pain in my heart to just recall my sealed memories from the olden times." he wiped out the tears on his cheek and kept silent for the rest of the moment.     "...and you choose to betray our kingdom?" goarian muttered.     "..."

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His own room looked as if it were a page taken from the olden times where there was no such thing as power, yet he had functional lights and a working television, one he'd watch in hopes of forgetting this poor dungeon run.

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Saddle or Harness Does It

He told of two men and a girl, a horny wife, they living wondrous lives as horses, all there in some olden time castle called colbyshire.

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Oh Brother

Lucas carefully put on the french maid outfit, it was a white and black dress that maids used to wear in olden times while they served the rich family who lived in the house. but this time it was time for lucas to be the french maid.

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Problem Students

In olden times, athletic prowess would've trumped academic, and iggy's teacher would've been "encouraged" to give him passing grades. not anymore.

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One Impetuous Act

_' dellisan rolled his eyes, why the hell couldn't the wizards of ye olden times simply written in plain, simple common like they did now?!

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